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  • This record is a non-redundant protein sequence. Please read more here.

cobaltochelatase CobT-related protein [Granulosicoccus antarcticus]

NCBI Reference Sequence: WP_088921344.1

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LOCUS       WP_088921344             601 aa            linear   BCT 25-NOV-2024
DEFINITION  cobaltochelatase CobT-related protein [Granulosicoccus
ACCESSION   WP_088921344
VERSION     WP_088921344.1
SOURCE      Granulosicoccus antarcticus
  ORGANISM  Granulosicoccus antarcticus
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
            Chromatiales; Granulosicoccaceae; Granulosicoccus.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 601)
  AUTHORS   Cameron,B., Guilhot,C., Blanche,F., Cauchois,L., Rouyez,M.C.,
            Rigault,S., Levy-Schil,S. and Crouzet,J.
  TITLE     Genetic and sequence analyses of a Pseudomonas denitrificans DNA
            fragment containing two cob genes
  JOURNAL   J Bacteriol 173 (19), 6058-6065 (1991)
   PUBMED   1917840
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: HMM
            Evidence Accession :: NF023203.5
            Evidence Source    :: EMBL-EBI
            Source Identifier  :: PF11775.13
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..601
                     /organism="Granulosicoccus antarcticus"
     Protein         1..601
                     /product="cobaltochelatase CobT-related protein"
     Region          1..597
                     /note="Cobalamin biosynthesis cobaltochelatase CobT
                     subunit [Coenzyme transport and metabolism]; COG4547"
        1 mhrsleacar sladdpalef peqpesrgal dakalhrayh dvqlqrryap engvaailfn
       61 ileteryeal ganqyagvqk nldarrhpqv lgetnhfvse altagapaag apaaevpati
      121 epgsgeavll rlqlalrfvc rqafrqrvti gsqsdslpdl ntelalinth lqphlsrlve
      181 llgeqalfaq ltrqlcvsla nasagdsham vsgdtsspdd mveedsevpd ededesases
      241 depesaeqse kssdevpddm qgesqqtdql aeqaldeapa agvdptivlm egtqpyraft
      301 tdydevllar dwadqaelqg wrdeldqhie vhgrlvrrla trlqrvllar qrrhwefdle
      361 eglldsmrla rlltdplmpl sfkaesempf rnttmtllid nsrsmlgrpi miaavcadil
      421 artlercgvs veilgfttvh lhggqsterw veagepenpg rlndlrhiiy ksadtpyrsa
      481 krslglmldr dilkqnidge slqwahqrlm krpeerrilm tisdgapvdt stlaanpgdy
      541 laqhlqqvvd diqrsghvel laigighdvs rfyehavsif darqlgpvml neleslfrqa
      601 a
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