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Enterobacteriaceae cytolethal distending toxin A (cdtA) and truncated cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB) genes, complete cds; and cytolethal distending toxin C (cdtC) gene, partial cds.

PopSet: 52854777

Study Details

Evolutionary genetics of a new pathogenic Escherichia species: Escherichia albertii and related Shigella boydii strains.

Hyma,K.E., Lacher,D.W., Nelson,A.M., Bumbaugh,A.C., Janda,J.M., Strockbine,N.A., Young,V.B. and Whittam,T.S.

(2005) J. Bacteriol. 187:(2)619-628

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Sequences in this data set

  • AY696755.1Escherichia albertii strain 19982 cytolethal distending toxin A (cdtA), cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB), and cytolethal distending toxin C (cdtC) genes, complete cds
  • AY696754.1Shigella boydii strain 3097-02 cytolethal distending toxin A (cdtA) and truncated cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB) genes, complete cds; and cytolethal distending toxin C (cdtC) gene, partial cds
  • AY696753.1Shigella boydii strain K-1 cytolethal distending toxin A (cdtA), cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB), and cytolethal distending toxin C (cdtC) genes, complete cds
  • AY696752.1Shigella boydii strain K-694 cytolethal distending toxin A (cdtA) and truncated cytolethal distending toxin B (cdtB) genes, complete cds; and cytolethal distending toxin C (cdtC) gene, partial cds

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