LOCUS NM_021732 1422 bp mRNA linear PRI 24-JUN-2018
DEFINITION Homo sapiens arginine vasopressin induced 1 (AVPI1), mRNA.
VERSION NM_021732.2
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
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COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
[WARNING] On Nov 23, 2018 this sequence was replaced by
On Jun 12, 2008 this sequence version replaced NM_021732.1.
Transcript exon combination :: AF131791.1, SRR1660805.300589.1
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns
SAMN03267753 [ECO:0000348]
1-1422 AF131791.1 1-1422
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1422
/organism="Homo sapiens"
gene 1..1422
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
/note="arginine vasopressin induced 1"
exon 1..505
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
misc_feature 504..506
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
/note="upstream in-frame stop codon"
exon 506..802
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
CDS 516..959
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
/note="vasopressin-induced transcript; AVP-induced protein
/product="arginine vasopressin-induced protein 1"
exon 803..1404
/gene_synonym="PP5395; VIP32; VIT32"
1 ggctcgcctg ggagctcata cctggctagg gccgaggatt ggctgttccg gggctaggga
61 gcgctttctc ccgggaaccg cggctgtgac ccaagtggcc cggaccagtt tggggctgcg
121 tgcggcctgc ctcaagcaac caggtacgta ggtcggcggc ccagctcggc gctgcggtgg
181 gagccggagg gcgacagtca gagccggggt gccagcggga cgcgaccgcc agatccactt
241 aggaccccgt cgttctgcga agcggccacg tctgagtccc ggggcctcct cgtgctgcag
301 atgtcgcctt aggacctcgg ccaggatacc ctctgccatg ctcttgtgct gcccgtgatc
361 accgactggc ccttgtaagc accttcgcag caggaagccc agagctgcgc ctgccctttc
421 tgaaggctgt ggaagaggtt ggagtgggcg catcttagct tgccccatcc ccatttgagg
481 tctgtcggag ctgcccttca gtgtgagcat ccacaatggg taccccagcc tcggtggtca
541 gtgagccacc cccttggcag gccccgattg aggcccgggg ccgcaagcag gcctcggcca
601 acatcttcca ggacgccgag ctgctgcaga tccaagccct gtttcaacgc agcggggacc
661 agctggccga ggaacgggca cagatcatct gggaatgtgc aggggaccac cgtgtggctg
721 aggccctcaa gaggctgcgc aggaagaggc ccccaaggca gaaacccctg ggccactcgc
781 tacaccactg cagccgcctc agaatcctgg agccccactc tgcactggcc aacccacaga
841 gtgccacaga gacagcctcc agtgagcagt atctgcactc taggaagaaa agtgccagga
901 tccgccggaa ctggaggaag tcaggcccca caagctacct ccaccagatc agacactgat
961 ccagggaaag agccaggaat ggcagtgtct tccctcttgc caaaaggcct ggggaggtga
1021 aggaagagag actttaggca agcagcccaa aggggtaaat gaaagcaaga ggctgctgcc
1081 actgacctgc tccattcaga acaagactgg atgcttctgt tgagctctcc attatgtggg
1141 acccattcct caccaaaatg aggagagaca gtgactgttc ctgccacagt ccttcccagt
1201 ctaacactat tcctgggctg catgatattc ccctgggagc aaagtgacag gcacttagat
1261 gcagcatttc accactcatg ctactaatca tctacctgct actactgtaa accatggttc
1321 cagcagcctg ttccacaccc ccacaccatc aggatagcac agggaaactg tagtttaagt
1381 ggcaaataaa aacatttgca tcaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aa