LOCUS NR_045511 3397 bp RNA linear PRI 17-JUN-2024
DEFINITION Homo sapiens G protein-coupled receptor 78 (GPR78), transcript
variant 2, non-coding RNA.
VERSION NR_045511.3
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Tanaka,T., Guimaro,M.C., Nakamura,H., Perez,P., Ji,Y.,
Michael,D.G., Afione,S.A., Zheng,C., Goldsmith,C., Swaim,W.D.,
Pedersen,A.M.L. and Chiorini,J.A.
TITLE Association of G protein-coupled receptor 78 with salivary
dysfunction in male Sjogren's patients
JOURNAL Oral Dis 30 (3), 1173-1182 (2024)
PUBMED 36652502
REMARK GeneRIF: Association of G protein-coupled receptor 78 with salivary
dysfunction in male Sjogren's patients.
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Cai,M.N., Chen,D.M., Xiao,L.X., Li,S.S., Liao,C.H., Li,J.,
Huang,Z.X., Wang,J.L., Gu,Y.R., Gu,L., Huang,Y.H. and Lian,Y.F.
TITLE COLEC10 Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress by Occupying GRP78 and
Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma
JOURNAL Lab Invest 103 (7), 100130 (2023)
PUBMED 36925047
REMARK GeneRIF: COLEC10 Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress by Occupying
GRP78 and Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Deelen,J., Evans,D.S., Arking,D.E., Tesi,N., Nygaard,M., Liu,X.,
Wojczynski,M.K., Biggs,M.L., van der Spek,A., Atzmon,G., Ware,E.B.,
Sarnowski,C., Smith,A.V., Seppala,I., Cordell,H.J., Dose,J.,
Amin,N., Arnold,A.M., Ayers,K.L., Barzilai,N., Becker,E.J.,
Beekman,M., Blanche,H., Christensen,K., Christiansen,L.,
Collerton,J.C., Cubaynes,S., Cummings,S.R., Davies,K.,
Debrabant,B., Deleuze,J.F., Duncan,R., Faul,J.D., Franceschi,C.,
Galan,P., Gudnason,V., Harris,T.B., Huisman,M., Hurme,M.A.,
Jagger,C., Jansen,I., Jylha,M., Kahonen,M., Karasik,D.,
Kardia,S.L.R., Kingston,A., Kirkwood,T.B.L., Launer,L.J.,
Lehtimaki,T., Lieb,W., Lyytikainen,L.P., Martin-Ruiz,C., Min,J.,
Nebel,A., Newman,A.B., Nie,C., Nohr,E.A., Orwoll,E.S., Perls,T.T.,
Province,M.A., Psaty,B.M., Raitakari,O.T., Reinders,M.J.T.,
Robine,J.M., Rotter,J.I., Sebastiani,P., Smith,J., Sorensen,T.I.A.,
Taylor,K.D., Uitterlinden,A.G., van der Flier,W., van der Lee,S.J.,
van Duijn,C.M., van Heemst,D., Vaupel,J.W., Weir,D., Ye,K.,
Zeng,Y., Zheng,W., Holstege,H., Kiel,D.P., Lunetta,K.L.,
Slagboom,P.E. and Murabito,J.M.
TITLE A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies
multiple longevity genes
JOURNAL Nat Commun 10 (1), 3669 (2019)
PUBMED 31413261
REMARK GeneRIF: rs7676745, located near GPR78, associates with lower odds
of surviving to the 90th percentile age. [Meta-analysis]
Erratum:[Nat Commun. 2021 Apr 23;12(1):2463. doi:
10.1038/s41467-021-22613-2. PMID: 33893282]
Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Stan,R.C., Silva,R.L. and de Camargo,M.M.
TITLE Human GRP78 affinity towards its signaling partners Ire1alpha and
PERK is differently modulated by an unfolded protein client
JOURNAL Biochem Biophys Res Commun 487 (2), 375-380 (2017)
PUBMED 28416388
REMARK GeneRIF: We reveal distinct binding affinities between the binary
and ternary complexes thus formed, that suggest a preference for
the PERK signaling branch under stress, and a predilection for the
GRP78-UPR sensor complex formation upon stressor removal. These
results imply a gated UPR mechanism that tunes the overall cellular
behavior to the accumulation of unfolded proteins.
Erratum:[Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Aug 12;490(1):69. doi:
10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.06.004. PMID: 28601239]
REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Dong,D.D., Zhou,H. and Li,G.
TITLE GPR78 promotes lung cancer cell migration and metastasis by
activation of Galphaq-Rho GTPase pathway
JOURNAL BMB Rep 49 (11), 623-628 (2016)
PUBMED 27697106
REMARK GeneRIF: Knockdown of GPR78 in lung cancer cells suppressed cell
migration and GPR78 modulated the formation of actin stress fibers
in A549 cells, in a RhoA- and Rac1-dependent manner.
REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Ijuin,T., Hatano,N. and Takenawa,T.
TITLE Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) binds directly to PIP3
phosphatase SKIP and determines its localization
JOURNAL Genes Cells 21 (5), 457-465 (2016)
PUBMED 26940976
REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Yang,J.F., Cao,J.G., Tian,L. and Liu,F.
TITLE 5, 7-Dimethoxyflavone sensitizes TRAIL-induced apoptosis through
DR5 upregulation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells
JOURNAL Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 69 (1), 195-206 (2012)
PUBMED 21660448
REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Jones,P.G., Nawoschik,S.P., Sreekumar,K., Uveges,A.J., Tseng,E.,
Zhang,L., Johnson,J., He,L., Paulsen,J.E., Bates,B. and Pausch,M.H.
TITLE Tissue distribution and functional analyses of the constitutively
active orphan G protein coupled receptors, GPR26 and GPR78
JOURNAL Biochim Biophys Acta 1770 (6), 890-901 (2007)
PUBMED 17363172
REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Underwood,S.L., Christoforou,A., Thomson,P.A., Wray,N.R.,
Tenesa,A., Whittaker,J., Adams,R.A., Le Hellard,S., Morris,S.W.,
Blackwood,D.H., Muir,W.J., Porteous,D.J. and Evans,K.L.
TITLE Association analysis of the chromosome 4p-located G protein-coupled
receptor 78 (GPR78) gene in bipolar affective disorder and
JOURNAL Mol Psychiatry 11 (4), 384-394 (2006)
PUBMED 16389273
REMARK GeneRIF: Two haplotypes remained significant in both the female
bipolar affective disorder individuals and in the full sample of
affected female individuals. Results provide preliminary evidence
for involvement of GPR78 in susceptibility to BPAD and SCZ.
GeneRIF: Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE
REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 3397)
AUTHORS Lee,D.K., Nguyen,T., Lynch,K.R., Cheng,R., Vanti,W.B., Arkhitko,O.,
Lewis,T., Evans,J.F., George,S.R. and O'Dowd,B.F.
TITLE Discovery and mapping of ten novel G protein-coupled receptor genes
JOURNAL Gene 275 (1), 83-91 (2001)
PUBMED 11574155
COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The
reference sequence was derived from AK307281.1, AC105345.3 and
On Jul 25, 2019 this sequence version replaced NR_045511.2.
Summary: The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the G
protein-coupled receptor family, which contain 7 transmembrane
domains and transduce extracellular signals through heterotrimeric
G proteins. This is an orphan receptor, which displays significant
level of constitutive activity. Association analysis shows
preliminary evidence for the involvement of this gene in
susceptibility to bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia.
Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this
gene. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2011].
Transcript Variant: This variant (2) contains an alternate 5' exon,
compared to variant 1. This variant is represented as non-coding
because it lacks a large portion of the coding region, including
the translational start codon, found in variant 1.
Sequence Note: This RefSeq record was created from transcript and
genomic sequence data to make the sequence consistent with the
reference genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the
transcript record were based on transcript alignments.
Transcript exon combination :: AK307281.1 [ECO:0000332]
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns
SAMEA2142853, SAMEA2147975
COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end.
1-813 AK307281.1 156-968
814-3360 AC105345.3 135624-138170
3361-3397 BE645298.1 18-54 c
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..3397
/organism="Homo sapiens"
/mol_type="transcribed RNA"
gene 1..3397
/note="G protein-coupled receptor 78"
misc_RNA 1..3397
/product="G protein-coupled receptor 78, transcript
variant 2"
exon 1..313
exon 314..427
misc_feature 420..737
/note="predicted ORF does not meet quality criteria for
protein coding locus with longer protein data."
exon 428..3397
1 aagccaccag gtcgctccag tttggtgcca gcgcctggag ggagaggcgt ggcgagggct
61 gtgctgccta ggatccactg agtggctctt gctggcgtgt cagctgcgcg cgaaccaggg
121 ctgggaggct cggctggagg tgtgaccagg gcagggactg acctggcccg gaacagaagc
181 gcgcagagtc ccatcctgcc acgccacgag gagagaagaa ggaaagatac agtgttagga
241 aagagacctc cctcgcccct acgccccgcg cccctgcgcc tcgcttcagc ctcaggacag
301 tcctgccggg acgtgtgcgg cagcgctgcc tcatccagca gaagcggcgc cgccaccgcg
361 ccaccaggaa gattggcatt gctattgcga ccttcctcat ctgctttgcc ccgtatgtca
421 tgaccaggct ggcggagctc gtgcccttcg tcaccgtgaa cgcccagtgg ggcatcctca
481 gcaagtgcct gacctacagc aaggcggtgg ccgacccgtt cacgtactct ctgctccgcc
541 ggccgttccg ccaagtcctg gccggcatgg tgcaccggct gctgaagaga accccgcgcc
601 cagcatccac ccatgacagc tctctggatg tggccggcat ggtgcaccag ctgctgaaga
661 gaaccccgcg cccagcgtcc acccacaacg gctctgtgga cacagagaat gattcctgcc
721 tgcagcagac acactgaggg cctggcaggg ctcatcgccc ccaccttcta agaagccctg
781 tggaaagggc actggccctg ccacagagat gccactgggg acccccagac accagtggct
841 tgactttgag ctaaggctga agtacaggag gaggaggagg agagggccgg atgtgggtgt
901 ggacagcagt agtggcggag gagagctcgg ggctgggctg cctggctgct gggtggcccc
961 gggacagtgg cttttcctct ctgaacctta gcttcctcac ccttgttctg gggtcatggc
1021 gatgcttcga gacagtgggt agggaagtgc cctgtgtggc atatggtact cgtgggcgtg
1081 ctataagtga ctgctgttca tgtgggtgag gtggtcactc ttgctcaggg tctgttgtgc
1141 agcccagatg gacacctgtt tctccaacct ggttattagc attgttccga tttgttctcg
1201 gcattgccca ggtttgggag ataaatgccg gggcggagtc tggttggggg ctcccagagt
1261 tcacatctga tagtctgtgg tcaggacctg gcaggcacgg gcagtccctg ggacatgccc
1321 atctctggaa gcctaggggt ccccagctcc aggcctgtcc gctgtgactg cctgtgtggg
1381 cacgcagatg gagcctgtct cctgccttcc tttccatggt ttgccagggg tttggcatct
1441 tgactgcgga agctgtggag tctgtgtgct cagagccttt tctggtgaag atatcatcag
1501 agcatgtgac ctctgtttcc tccccctgaa ggccaccgct gggcctctgg atcttagaca
1561 tgagacggtc aagagattga agtagtagcc agggcccagg tgtccagaga gggtggcctg
1621 ggatggggag ggcccttgct ccccaacagc agtgctgggg gagccaagag aaggtggagc
1681 atccctgagt agtggtgtgc atcaccccca gtttagtaat cacggggtgc cattccccgg
1741 tgggagcacc caccatcaat gtcattgaat gtccccatgg gacagtgttg aggacttttg
1801 tgacatctgt cctatttcac agctcaggga aaggtgcaca gtgcacacgg gcacccggtg
1861 gagaggtgtg tgtgtgaatg agtgagcgag tgaatgaatg gacacgattc tctcttcagc
1921 ctctgtcatt gctgttttct tcaaggccca gggccatccc ctgcagaggt agggtgggct
1981 gcaagacctc aggcccctgc ctcatgggac tctctgatgg gcttcaaccg tgggctcttg
2041 caggcatgga gcctgtatca tgacacctta cacccaaggc cagcaatgca aggagagtat
2101 ggacatcaaa ttctttcctt ccagaggctg aattcttcaa agacacacgc ggtcgtcact
2161 tgctcttggc attaacggtg gagaacccag ctgaggtggc ttcacagatt cttccccaaa
2221 aacacaggtg ttattattat acttttaaaa aactttttga gacagggtct gactctgttg
2281 cctaggctag agtgcagtgg tgcaatctca gctcactgca gcctccacct cccatgctca
2341 agccatcctc ccacctcagc ctcctgagta gttgaggaca caggcacggg acaccatgcc
2401 tggctaattt ttgtattttt ttttgtagag atggcggtct cactttgttg cccaggctgg
2461 tcttgaattc ctgagcttaa gtgatcctcc cacctcagcc tcccaaagtg ctgggattac
2521 aggtgtgagc caccacaccc agccaaaacc aggtgttatt tgctgactca ccaatgcctc
2581 ccccaaaagg ataaatttaa aggtgtgtat aacccatgaa gtgtaattca aataaaacaa
2641 attatcgttt ggaataataa caactatagg tatgtggtca ggaagcagtt aaaaacatta
2701 aaatacagac ctggccagtt caatccaacc caggggttcc aagcaggagg tggggcaggt
2761 gggcgtcatg ccctgattca cagagggcac aggtgggtgt catgccctgg ttcacagagg
2821 gcacgtgaac tcgagaccgt gctgcacccc ggtgcccctg tgcttataag ggagggcacg
2881 tgcacagcag aagcaggttg ttccccattt aaagttctgg agcccaggct gtgagctcct
2941 tggctgagcc ctctcctgtc cctgggagct ccccaggtgc gaggagcctg ccagccagtg
3001 gggcctacac tctgtgttat tgcatctccg ccaggctaaa agccttggtc actactttag
3061 agccactcaa ggaaacgcgt gcaccctgcc ctgctggaag gcaccatggt tagagggagg
3121 cacactgttt cttagagacg gggactgctt gctgtcatgt ttcgccttcc tcggcagctc
3181 catggaatgt tctggagcag gcatcttagg gcattccctc cgcacttctc tgccagccca
3241 tgtggctccc acactgggct atcccttgcc ttaggcttgt ggcctttttt tttttttttt
3301 ttttaatttg aaaaatattt ttcatgtgca cttaaacgtg ttgtggaatg atgctgggtc
3361 tcaagaatgc tgtgaatcaa taaacatttt attcaga