LOCUS NM_001430969 1526 bp mRNA linear VRT 16-SEP-2024
DEFINITION Danio rerio tight junction protein 2b (zona occludens 2) (tjp2b),
transcript variant 3, mRNA.
ACCESSION NM_001430969
VERSION NM_001430969.1
SOURCE Danio rerio (zebrafish)
ORGANISM Danio rerio
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi;
Cypriniformes; Danionidae; Danioninae; Danio.
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REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only
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AUTHORS Schwayer,C., Shamipour,S., Pranjic-Ferscha,K., Schauer,A.,
Balda,M., Tada,M., Matter,K. and Heisenberg,C.P.
TITLE Mechanosensation of Tight Junctions Depends on ZO-1 Phase
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AUTHORS Rodel,C.J., Otten,C., Donat,S., Lourenco,M., Fischer,D.,
Kuropka,B., Paolini,A., Freund,C. and Abdelilah-Seyfried,S.
TITLE Blood Flow Suppresses Vascular Anomalies in a Zebrafish Model of
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JOURNAL Circ Res 125 (10), e43-e54 (2019)
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AUTHORS Lin,X., Zhou,Q., Zhao,C., Lin,G., Xu,J. and Wen,Z.
TITLE An Ectoderm-Derived Myeloid-like Cell Population Functions as
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TITLE Evolution of complexity in the zebrafish synapse proteome
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REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only
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TITLE Rapid reverse genetic screening using CRISPR in zebrafish
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TITLE Temporal and spatial expression of tight junction genes during
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REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 1526)
AUTHORS Kiener,T.K., Sleptsova-Friedrich,I. and Hunziker,W.
TITLE Identification, tissue distribution and developmental expression of
tjp1/zo-1, tjp2/zo-2 and tjp3/zo-3 in the zebrafish, Danio rerio
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PUBMED 17632043
REMARK GeneRIF: analysis of tissue distribution and developmental
expression of tjp1/zo-1, tjp2/zo-2 and tjp3/zo-3 in the zebrafish,
Danio rerio
COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
FQ377600.4 and CR361566.16.
Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
record to access additional publications.
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMEA3505370,
SAMEA3505373 [ECO:0000348]
CDS uses downstream in-frame AUG :: lack of evidence for use of
upstream AUG
COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end.
1-181 FQ377600.4 1423-1603 c
182-235 CR361566.16 6037-6090
236-360 CR361566.16 12171-12295
361-463 CR361566.16 14575-14677
464-1076 CR361566.16 17506-18118
1077-1180 CR361566.16 23067-23170
1181-1334 CR361566.16 25891-26044
1335-1526 CR361566.16 28336-28527
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1526
/organism="Danio rerio"
gene 1..1526
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
/note="tight junction protein 2b (zona occludens 2)"
exon 1..181
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
misc_feature 110..112
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
/note="upstream in-frame stop codon"
misc_feature 155..157
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
/note="upstream_AUG_codon; putative N-terminal extension:
CDS 158..1360
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
/note="isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3; zona
occludens 2; tjp2.2; zo-2.2"
/product="tight junction protein ZO-2b isoform 3"
exon 182..235
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 236..360
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 361..463
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 464..1076
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 1077..1180
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 1181..1334
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
exon 1335..1526
/gene_synonym="fb62b09; wu:fb62b09; zgc:92094"
1 atgcaaagca ttgtgggaag tatacaggtg taatgcgcta ccttcttatc atttgtttgt
61 tttgttttaa cgcgattact cagcaaaagg gaggaatgtg gatattcgat gagcccggat
121 ctgttcaagc gctcgacttg agaaatgctg cgcaatgatg gctgttaggt ttctgcatca
181 gagctcagga atggaggaga cggtttggga gcagtacact gtgactctac agcgggacgc
241 taagatgggc tttggaattg ctgtgtccgg cggccgggac aatccaaacg tggagagcgg
301 ggagacgtcc atcatcgtgt cagacgtgct gccaggagga ccggccgatg gactgctctt
361 tgagaacgac cgtgtgatac aggtcaacac catcgccatg aataatgtgc ctcattcttt
421 cgctgtgcag tcacttcgga aatgtgggaa agtggccaaa ataactgtaa aaaggcctcg
481 caaggtggct gtcctcaagc gcccgccgtc cccgagcggg gatagccgtg attacaacat
541 ttccagttat tatcctgagg acagccgcag tgtgcacagt gacccagact cagattaccc
601 tcggggaaac ggcggtctgg gctacccccg tgaccgagag cgtgaccgca gcctcgataa
661 gagccggata gactacctag atccggatta ccgcagccag gactatgact cccggcgcga
721 gcgaagccga ggcaggagca cggatagatc ccccagcact gacagtgggt accggaggga
781 cggcagcagg ggccggacgc tggagcgcgg gtctagcccg gagcctcgat atcaacggca
841 gcacagcaga ggccgcggtg gaggaagccc tgctggaagc tatagccggg accagggcta
901 cgacacgcgg aggtatgaca cgcaggacag gatgatcagg agtcacagca gggaccggtt
961 gcaggatcac tcgccctcgc ccagcagaga gcgggacagg ggaagagacc ggtttaacta
1021 tgagcccctg gagccacccg tcaatgtgac gctggtcaaa aacaggccca atgaagagta
1081 cggcctccgc ctgggcagcc agatcttcat caaagagatg accagcactg gacttgctgc
1141 ccgagatgga aatctccagg agggcgatat cattctcaag atcaacggga cggtgacgga
1201 aaacctctct ctgagtgacg ctggcaaact gatcgagaaa tcccgaggca aacttcagct
1261 tgtggtccag agagaccatc ggcaaatcct ggtgcgcatc cctgccctcg ccgacagcga
1321 ctcggagccg gacgataata cagatatgtc atacttttag ctgatggacc gcagagacac
1381 aacataaagt ctggttgcct ttaatcttta atcatgattg tgcctcaaca aatctgtaaa
1441 gccttaacac tgtgctctca tatttttatg ctaacctctt tttttaaaag cttcttttaa
1501 tcaataaata agtctgctca atttta