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Arabidopsis thaliana COBRA-like extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein family (IRX6), mRNA

NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_001343414.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NM_001343414            1208 bp    mRNA    linear   PLN 20-OCT-2022
DEFINITION  Arabidopsis thaliana COBRA-like extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl
            inositol-anchored protein family (IRX6), mRNA.
ACCESSION   NM_001343414
VERSION     NM_001343414.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA116
            BioSample: SAMN03081427
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
            Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
            Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1208)
  AUTHORS   Tabata,S., Kaneko,T., Nakamura,Y., Kotani,H., Kato,T., Asamizu,E.,
            Miyajima,N., Sasamoto,S., Kimura,T., Hosouchi,T., Kawashima,K.,
            Kohara,M., Matsumoto,M., Matsuno,A., Muraki,A., Nakayama,S.,
            Nakazaki,N., Naruo,K., Okumura,S., Shinpo,S., Takeuchi,C., Wada,T.,
            Watanabe,A., Yamada,M., Yasuda,M., Sato,S., de la Bastide,M.,
            Huang,E., Spiegel,L., Gnoj,L., O'Shaughnessy,A., Preston,R.,
            Habermann,K., Murray,J., Johnson,D., Rohlfing,T., Nelson,J.,
            Stoneking,T., Pepin,K., Spieth,J., Sekhon,M., Armstrong,J.,
            Becker,M., Belter,E., Cordum,H., Cordes,M., Courtney,L.,
            Courtney,W., Dante,M., Du,H., Edwards,J., Fryman,J., Haakensen,B.,
            Lamar,E., Latreille,P., Leonard,S., Meyer,R., Mulvaney,E.,
            Ozersky,P., Riley,A., Strowmatt,C., Wagner-McPherson,C., Wollam,A.,
            Yoakum,M., Bell,M., Dedhia,N., Parnell,L., Shah,R., Rodriguez,M.,
            See,L.H., Vil,D., Baker,J., Kirchoff,K., Toth,K., King,L.,
            Bahret,A., Miller,B., Marra,M., Martienssen,R., McCombie,W.R.,
            Wilson,R.K., Murphy,G., Bancroft,I., Volckaert,G., Wambutt,R.,
            Dusterhoft,A., Stiekema,W., Pohl,T., Entian,K.D., Terryn,N.,
            Hartley,N., Bent,E., Johnson,S., Langham,S.A., McCullagh,B.,
            Robben,J., Grymonprez,B., Zimmermann,W., Ramsperger,U., Wedler,H.,
            Balke,K., Wedler,E., Peters,S., van Staveren,M., Dirkse,W.,
            Mooijman,P., Lankhorst,R.K., Weitzenegger,T., Bothe,G., Rose,M.,
            Hauf,J., Berneiser,S., Hempel,S., Feldpausch,M., Lamberth,S.,
            Villarroel,R., Gielen,J., Ardiles,W., Bents,O., Lemcke,K.,
            Kolesov,G., Mayer,K., Rudd,S., Schoof,H., Schueller,C.,
            Zaccaria,P., Mewes,H.W., Bevan,M. and Fransz,P.
  CONSRTM   Kazusa DNA Research Institute; Cold Spring Harbor and Washington
            University in St Louis Sequencing Consortium; European Union
            Arabidopsis Genome Sequencing Consortium
  TITLE     Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis
  JOURNAL   Nature 408 (6814), 823-826 (2000)
   PUBMED   11130714
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1208)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (19-OCT-2022) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1208)
  AUTHORS   Krishnakumar,V., Cheng,C.-Y., Chan,A.P., Schobel,S., Kim,M.,
            Ferlanti,E.S., Belyaeva,I., Rosen,B.D., Micklem,G., Miller,J.R.,
            Vaughn,M. and Town,C.D.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (17-MAY-2016) Plant Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute,
            9704 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
  REMARK    Protein update by submitter
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1208)
  AUTHORS   Swarbreck,D., Lamesch,P., Wilks,C. and Huala,E.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (18-FEB-2011) Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie
            Institution, 260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA, USA
COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by TAIR and Araport.
            This record is derived from an annotated genomic sequence
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1208
                     /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
     gene            1..1208
                     /gene_synonym="COBL4; COBRA-LIKE4; F14F8.10; F14F8_10;
                     IRREGULAR XYLEM 6"
                     /note="Encodes a member of the COBRA family, similar to
                     phytochelatin synthetase. Involved in secondary cell wall
                     biosynthesis. Mutants make smaller plants with reduced
                     levels of cellulose and cell wall sugars."
     CDS             148..1173
                     /gene_synonym="COBL4; COBRA-LIKE4; F14F8.10; F14F8_10;
                     IRREGULAR XYLEM 6"
                     /product="COBRA-like extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl
                     inositol-anchored protein family"
        1 cttcagacca aaaagactca tcaataatct gtaaaaaact tatgttttaa atcccataaa
       61 cacatcaatt caaattcctg aagaagaaaa agcctgaggt taaacactgc acctgggaat
      121 caatttcctt aaatctttac tcaaaagatg aggctcctct tcagcttctg cttcttcttc
      181 ttcatgatca tctttaccgc aactgcttat gatccattag atcctagtgg taacattaca
      241 atcaaatggg atattatgtc ctggacggca gatggctatg tggctacggt aactatgaac
      301 aacttccaaa tctaccggca catacaaaac cctggttgga cattaggttg gacatgggca
      361 aagaaagagg tgatttggtc aatggttggt gcacaaacaa cagaacaagg agactgttcc
      421 aagtttaagg gaaatgtacc tcattgctgt aagaaaaccc ctacagttgt tgatctcttg
      481 ccaggtgtgc cttataatca acagttctca aactgttgca aaggaggtgt aattggagct
      541 tggggtcaag atccatcagc cgctgtatcc cagtttcagg ttagtgctgg tttagctgga
      601 actacaaaca agactgtcaa gcttcctaag aacttcactt tgcttggtcc cggccctggt
      661 tacacttgcg gtcctgccaa aatcgtgccc tctaccgttt ttctcacaac tgacaaacgg
      721 cgaaaaacac aagctttgat gacatggaat gttacctgca catactcaca gtttttagca
      781 agaaagcatc caagctgttg tgtctccttc tcttctttct acaacgacac cataactcct
      841 tgcccgtctt gtgcctgtgg ctgcgagaac aaaaagagct gcgtcaaggc tgattctaag
      901 attctaacca agaaaggtct caacacacca aaaaaggaca acactccttt gttgcaatgc
      961 acacatcaca tgtgccctgt tagagtccac tggcacgtta aaactaacta caaagactat
     1021 tggcgagtga agatagcaat cacaaatttc aattaccgga tgaatcatac actctggact
     1081 ttagcaattc agcatccaaa tctcaacaat gtgactcaag ttttcagctt tgactacaaa
     1141 ccagtctctc cttacggatc cataagtaaa taaatacctc cctcaaccac aactattcaa
     1201 cttcaaac
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Reference sequence information

  • RefSeq alternative splicing
    See 5 reference mRNA sequence splice variants for the IRX6 gene.
  • RefSeq protein product
    See the reference protein sequence for COBRA-like extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein family (NP_001331537.1).

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