LOCUS JV580710 1025 bp mRNA linear TSA 04-NOV-2014
DEFINITION TSA: Macaca mulatta Mamu_253559 mRNA sequence.
VERSION JV580710.1
DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA77627
Sequence Read Archive: SRR353359
KEYWORDS TSA; Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly.
SOURCE Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
ORGANISM Macaca mulatta
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Cercopithecidae; Cercopithecinae; Macaca.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1025)
AUTHORS Zimin,A.V., Cornish,A.S., Maudhoo,M.D., Gibbs,R.M., Zhang,X.,
Pandey,S., Meehan,D.T., Wipfler,K., Bosinger,S.E., Johnson,Z.P.,
Tharp,G.K., Marcais,G., Roberts,M., Ferguson,B., Fox,H.S.,
Treangen,T., Salzberg,S.L., Yorke,J.A. and Norgren,R.B. Jr.
TITLE A new rhesus macaque assembly and annotation for next-generation
sequencing analyses
JOURNAL Biol. Direct 9 (1), 20 (2014)
PUBMED 25319552
REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1025)
AUTHORS Pandey,S., Maudhoo,M.D., Guda,C., Ferguson,B., Fox,H. and
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (30-APR-2012) Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy,
University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985805 Nebraska Medical
Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5805, USA
COMMENT All reads were aligned with the human RefSeq mRNA sequences using
BLAST. For read lengths of 76 bp, if the alignment length was 70 or
less, the read was filtered from the input file. For read lengths
of 100 bp, if the alignment length was 90 or less, the read was
filtered from the input file. For paired end sequences, if one
sequence was filtered, its pair was also filtered. Velveth was
performed as recommended. kmer was set at 29 for single end
sequences and 31 for paired end sequences. The output files from
Velveth were passed to Velvetg. After performing Velvetg, this
output file was passed to Oases where the final assembly was
performed. Default parameters were used for Velvetg and Oases.
Assembly Method :: Velvet v.1.1.05; Oases v.0.1.22
Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1025
/organism="Macaca mulatta"
1 tgagcatcaa gaaagttacc tctgaggatc tcaagcgcag ctatgtctgt catgctagaa
61 gtgccaaagg cgaagttgcc aaagcagcca cggtgaagca gaaagtgccg gctccaagat
121 acacagtgga actggcttgt ggttttggag ccacagtcct gctagtggta attctcattg
181 ttgtttacca tgtttactgg ctagagatgg tcctttttta ccgggctcat tttggaacag
241 atgaaaccat tttagatggg aaagagtatg atatttatgt atcctatgcg aggaatgctg
301 aagaagaaga atttgtatta ctgaccctcc gtggagtttt ggagaatgaa tttggataca
361 agctatgcat ctttgaccga gacagtctgc ctgggggaaa tacagtggaa gcagtttttg
421 atttcattca gagaagcaga aggatgattg ttgtcctgag tcctgactat gtgacagaaa
481 agagcatcag catgctggag tttaaactgg gtgtcatgtg ccagaactcc attgccacca
541 agctcattgt ggttgagtac cgtccccttg agcacccgca cccaggcatt cttcagctca
601 aggagtctgt gtcttttgtg agctggaagg gagaaaagtc caaacattct ggctctaaat
661 tctggaaagc tttgcggttg gctcttccac tgagaagtct gagtgccagt tccggctgga
721 atgagagctg ctcttcccag tctgacatca gtctggacca cgttcaaagg aggagaagcc
781 gtttgaaaga gcccccagaa cttcagagct cagagagggt tgcaggtagc cctccggccc
841 caggcacaat gtccaagcac cgagggaagt cctctgccac ctgccgctgt tgtgtcacct
901 actgtgaagg agagaatcac cttaggaaca agagccgggc agagattcat aaccagcccc
961 agtgggagac gcacctctgt aagcctgttt cccaagagtc agagactcaa tggatacaaa
1021 atggc