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TSA: Macaca mulatta Mamu_523787 mRNA sequence

GenBank: JU320735.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       JU320735                1555 bp    mRNA    linear   TSA 04-NOV-2014
DEFINITION  TSA: Macaca mulatta Mamu_523787 mRNA sequence.
VERSION     JU320735.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA77627
            Sequence Read Archive: SRR358985
KEYWORDS    TSA; Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly.
SOURCE      Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
  ORGANISM  Macaca mulatta
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Cercopithecidae; Cercopithecinae; Macaca.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1555)
  AUTHORS   Zimin,A.V., Cornish,A.S., Maudhoo,M.D., Gibbs,R.M., Zhang,X.,
            Pandey,S., Meehan,D.T., Wipfler,K., Bosinger,S.E., Johnson,Z.P.,
            Tharp,G.K., Marcais,G., Roberts,M., Ferguson,B., Fox,H.S.,
            Treangen,T., Salzberg,S.L., Yorke,J.A. and Norgren,R.B. Jr.
  TITLE     A new rhesus macaque assembly and annotation for next-generation
            sequencing analyses
  JOURNAL   Biol. Direct 9 (1), 20 (2014)
   PUBMED   25319552
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1555)
  AUTHORS   Pandey,S., Maudhoo,M.D., Guda,C., Ferguson,B., Fox,H. and
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (14-FEB-2012) Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy,
            University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985805 Nebraska Medical
            Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5805, USA
COMMENT     All reads were aligned with the human RefSeq mRNA sequences using
            BLAST. For read lengths of 76 bp, if the alignment length was 70 or
            less, the read was filtered from the input file. For read lengths
            of 100 bp, if the alignment length was 90 or less, the read was
            filtered from the input file. For paired end sequences, if one
            sequence was filtered, its pair was also filtered. Velveth was
            performed as recommended. kmer was set at 29 for single end
            sequences and 31 for paired end sequences. The output files from
            Velveth were passed to Velvetg. After performing Velvetg, this
            output file was passed to Oases where the final assembly was
            performed. Default parameters were used for Velvetg and Oases.
            Assembly Method       :: Velvet v.1.1.05; Oases v.0.1.22
            Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1555
                     /organism="Macaca mulatta"
     gene            <1..>1555
     CDS             109..1029
                     /product="proline-rich transmembrane protein 1"
        1 ctccatctct gcgctgctgc cggctgcgcc atccagcacc cagactccag caccggccag
       61 ggacccccac tccggctgca gggaccctgt cccagcgaga ccgcaggcat gtcatccgaa
      121 aagtcaggac tcccagactc agtccctcac acttctccac cgccctacaa tgcccctcag
      181 cctccagccg aacccccagc cccaccgcca caggcagccc cttcctcgca ccatcaccac
      241 caccaccact accatcagtc tggcaccgcc accctcccgc gcttaggggc agggggcctg
      301 gcatcttccg cggccaccgc tcagcgcggt ccctcctcct ccgccacgct gccgagaccc
      361 ccccaccacg cccctcccgg ccctgctgcc ggggcacccc cacccggctg cgctaccttg
      421 ccccgcatgc cacccgaccc ttacctgcag gagactcgct tcgagggccc acttcccccg
      481 ccgccgcccg ctgccgccgc cccgcccccg ccggcgccag cccagactgc ccaggcccct
      541 ggcttcgtgg tgcccacgca cgcgggaact gtgggcacgc tgccgctggg gggctacgta
      601 gcacccggat accccctgca gctgcagccc tgcactgctt acgtgccggt ctacccggtg
      661 ggcacgccat atgcaggcgg gaccccaggg gggacaggcg tgacctccac tctccccccg
      721 ccgccccagg gcccagggct ggccctgctg gagccgaggc gcccgccaca cgactacatg
      781 cccatcgcgg tgctgaccac catctgttgc ttctggccta ctggcatcat tgccatcttc
      841 aaggcagtgc aggtgcgcac ggccttggcc cgcggagaca tggtgtcggc cgagatcgct
      901 tcacgcgagg cccggaactt ctccttcatc tccctggccg tgggcatcgc ggctatggtg
      961 ctctgtacca tcctcaccgt agtcatcatc atcgccgcgc agcaccacga gaactactgg
     1021 gatccctaaa aacgcccccg gtccggcccc actctgcgcc cctcgacctc ccaggctctt
     1081 tctgcagtca taccgcggac ccaatgggcg ccctgcacac ctgcttctgg ggccgtcaga
     1141 cttggataca tcgtaaactc cgcctccacg gaacgtctcg ccttgcgagc aagctccgaa
     1201 tccagttcct caggaacccc tccaaaaccc acagtcccag ggacgccgct ttccgggatt
     1261 ccggccaaac gccggaccct cagtcgctcc aggtcccctc accctcaaag tgtagcgccc
     1321 ccagccgagc aacctcggtt ttgtccctaa aacccagcct cctctataag ctccgcccca
     1381 actcagacaa aaccccgcct ccaggtcggc aggctccgcc ttcttttctt ctccgcgggg
     1441 tgattcagtc cagtgattgg gtttgtggct ccaggcctcg ctcacagacg gacagactcc
     1501 tccctttctt actgcaaaag gaccgagccc tggggtagta gcgcccccac actcc
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