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IP10427.5prime IP Drosophila melanogaster iPCR Amplified Library Drosophila melanogaster cDNA clone IP10427 5, mRNA sequence

GenBank: EL880567.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       EL880567                 768 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 06-MAR-2011
DEFINITION  IP10427.5prime IP Drosophila melanogaster iPCR Amplified Library
            Drosophila melanogaster cDNA clone IP10427 5, mRNA sequence.
VERSION     EL880567.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00152711
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 768)
  AUTHORS   Hoskins,R.A., Stapleton,M., George,R.A., Yu,C., Wan,K.H.,
            Carlson,J.W. and Celniker,S.E.
  TITLE     Rapid and efficient cDNA library screening by self-ligation of
            inverse PCR products (SLIP)
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 33 (21), e185 (2005)
   PUBMED   16326860
COMMENT     Other_ESTs: IP10427.3prime
            Contact: Carlson, J.
            Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
            One Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
            Fax: 510 486 7571
            Email: http://www.fruitfly.org/EST/index.shtml, cdna@fruitfly.org
            Plate: IP.104  row: C  column: 3
            High quality sequence stop: 737.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..768
                     /organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
                     /sex="male and female"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00152711 IP Drosophila melanogaster iPCR
                     Amplified Library"
                     /note="Organ: mixed; Vector: pOT2; Site_1: EcoRI; Site_2:
                     Xho1; iPCR amplified cDNA clones using gene specific
                     primers from a pool of GH (head), LD (embryo), LP (larva
                     and pupa), and SD (S2 cell line) libraries. Since clones
                     in this library have been enhanced for specific targets by
                     PCR, they cannot be used to quantify mRNA expression
        1 aatccatgga ggttgatgag tctgctgccc agctctacgt tcgcacgccg gaggatgtga
       61 aggccattgt gaagcatgcg aaactggacg agcgccagtt gacccaactc acccaggctc
      121 tgtactttcc ctcggcggac gtggattcgg acaatctgcg ccttctggag ctcgatgggc
      181 acatgcttgg acaaatccgc gacggccaga cgctatattt caagggtggc cagaacgaga
      241 agctggtgct gtgcaccgat gagcgaacgt acgacgtgaa gggcgcggaa atatccaata
      301 gccttttgct ggtaccggac ctcaagtttg ccgccgccac cagcacctcg ccgctgaaga
      361 gtccgcgcac tggcaacgcc aacgcctccc tggagcgcag cctcaatgac agcacggagg
      421 atgaactgga agtgccgcga actctggagc agcggccggt gctcaaggtg ttccacgagt
      481 acttcgagtg ccgcgagata aagccgcgct ttcgcaagct gggtgaacta ctgcagctga
      541 ctcgatattc ggggccggag aacgagttct gcgtggagca gaagctactc tttacctttt
      601 cgcagctcct ggacacggtg cagtgcagcc gcggtcagtt catggaggga ttgaaccaat
      661 atcgagccat agaactggac gggcgaatgc gcgtgatgga gtacgaatac gagtatcgca
      721 ttattaacat gatgctgggg ttgataagcg aaaactcctg ggccttgg
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