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AYBDG34TF pooled cDNA populations Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA, mRNA sequence

GenBank: EG496855.1

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LOCUS       EG496855                 629 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 21-OCT-2006
DEFINITION  AYBDG34TF pooled cDNA populations Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA, mRNA
VERSION     EG496855.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00152241
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
            Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
            Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 629)
  AUTHORS   Xiao,Y., Underwood,B., Moskal,W., Wang,W., Redman,J., Wu,H.C.,
            Monaghan,E. and Town,C.D.
  TITLE     Reconstruction of cDNA sequences for Arabidopsis genes from 5' and
            3' RACE products
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
COMMENT     Contact: Xiao Y
            The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)
            9712 Medical Center Dr. Rockville, MD 20850, USA
            Tel: 301 795 7807
            Fax: 301 838 0208
            Email: yxiao@tigr.org
            These are the 5' or 3' RACE sequences from pooled cDNA populations
            of Arabidopsis thaliana.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..629
                     /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
                     /tissue_type="see description"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00152241 pooled cDNA populations"
                     /note="Arabidopsis roots, inflorescence, callus, young
                     seedlings and Arabidopsis treated with cold, heat, salt,
                     2,4-D, hydrogen peroxide, UV, IAA, Xanthomonas and
        1 tagtacaaat aaataaacaa taaagaatat taaataaaaa ctgatgtttt aaactcctga
       61 aaaccaaaac tccatgaata aaaaaggttt ttacgtgtaa tgcaacaaca ctctctctgt
      121 acagtgtaac acttaacctt cccttgggtt ttgtaatacc aaacctcttg atgtttcagt
      181 taacagcaaa aaggggatat cttgaatccg acacagctgc ctcgtaaaaa aacaaagcgc
      241 gtataaggtg ttgtcgttgc tgctgctgct gctgctttgc atccccattg gcttgcttcg
      301 acaacttctc atcacgaaac gctctcagta actcctcaaa tgctggagtt ctaagctctt
      361 cgatggactc aatgcttggt atgtcgattg gtcttttctt tggcgttgaa catgatggtt
      421 catccactac atattcatca aaaaaacatt tccctgcatt ctctgtgatc tctatgatct
      481 tgtgattgcg atcactcttt agctctatca agtcttcaca gcatggaatg atcatggagt
      541 tgacctttgt acatgcatca ttatcgagtt gcaatgaatg atcgatggaa gtaaggaggc
      601 tactatttgc agcatcaaaa acatcaaga
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