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P2X5 purinoceptor [Rattus norvegicus]

GenBank: CAA65993.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       CAA65993                 455 aa            linear   ROD 24-SEP-2008
DEFINITION  P2X5 purinoceptor [Rattus norvegicus].
VERSION     CAA65993.1
DBSOURCE    embl accession X97328.1
SOURCE      Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
  AUTHORS   Garcia-Guzman,M., Soto,F., Laube,B. and Stuhmer,W.
  TITLE     Molecular cloning and functional expression of a novel rat heart
            P2X purinoceptor
  JOURNAL   FEBS Lett. 388 (2-3), 123-127 (1996)
   PUBMED   8690069
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 455)
  AUTHORS   Garcia-Guzman,M.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (18-APR-1996) M. Garcia-Guzman, Max-Planck Institut fuer
            Experimentelle Medizin (Abt. XI), Hermann-Rein Strasse 3, D-37075
            Goettingen, FRG
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..455
                     /organism="Rattus norvegicus"
     Protein         1..455
                     /product="P2X5 purinoceptor"
     Region          1..373
                     /note="cation transporter protein; TIGR00863"
     CDS             1..455
        1 mgqaawkgfv lslfdyktak fvvakskkvg llyrvlqlii llylliwvfl ikksyqdidt
       61 slqsavvtkv kgvaytnttm lgerlwdvad fvipsqgenv ffvvtnlivt pnqrqgicae
      121 regipdgecs edddchages vvaghglktg rclrvgnstr gtceifawcp vetksmptdp
      181 llkdaesfti fiknfirfpk fnfskanvle tdnkhflktc hfsstnlycp ifrlgsivrw
      241 agadfqdial kggvigiyie wdcdldkaas kcnphyyfnr ldnkhthsis sgynfrfary
      301 yrdpngvefr dlmkaygirf dvivngkagk fsiiptvini gsglalmgag affcdlvliy
      361 lirksefyrd kkfekvrgqk edanvevean emeqeqpede plervrqdeq sqelaqsgrk
      421 qnsncqvlle parfglrena ivnvkqsqil hpvkt
Feature CAA65993 : 1 segment
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