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Drosophila melanogaster RE56202 full insert cDNA

GenBank: BT001682.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BT001682                1414 bp    mRNA    linear   INV 15-NOV-2002
DEFINITION  Drosophila melanogaster RE56202 full insert cDNA.
VERSION     BT001682.1
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1414)
  AUTHORS   Stapleton,M., Brokstein,P., Hong,L., Agbayani,A., Carlson,J.,
            Champe,M., Chavez,C., Dorsett,V., Dresnek,D., Farfan,D., Frise,E.,
            George,R., Gonzalez,M., Guarin,H., Kronmiller,B., Li,P., Liao,G.,
            Miranda,A., Mungall,C.J., Nunoo,J., Pacleb,J., Paragas,V., Park,S.,
            Patel,S., Phouanenavong,S., Wan,K., Yu,C., Lewis,S.E., Rubin,G.M.
            and Celniker,S.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (15-NOV-2002) Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project,
            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road,
            Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
COMMENT     Sequence submitted by:
            Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
             Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
            Berkeley, CA 94720
             This clone was sequenced as part of a high-throughput process to
            sequence clones from Drosophila Gene Collection 1 (Rubin et al.,
            Science 2000). The sequence has been subjected to integrity checks
            for sequence accuracy, presence of a polyA tail and contiguity
            within 100 kb in the genome. Thus we believe the sequence to
            reflect accurately this particular cDNA clone. However, there are
            artifacts associated with the generation of cDNA clones that may
            have not been detected in our initial analyses such as internal
            priming, priming from contaminating genomic DNA, retained introns
            due to reverse transcription of unspliced precursor RNAs, and
            reverse transcriptase errors that result in single base changes.
            For further information about this sequence, including its location
            and relationship to other sequences, please visit our Web site
            (http://fruitfly.berkeley.edu) or send email to
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1414
                     /organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
                     /strain="y; cn bw sp"
     gene            1..1414
     CDS             128..1195
                     /note="Longest ORF"
        1 aacaccagag aatattgaga agaagaagag cgttgtgtcg gatctaaaca ataaagaaat
       61 taagcaatta gccgaaattt tgttgttttt cggttgaagg gggtttaatt ccgagtgggg
      121 ggaagagatg gcatttcttt gccccgtgcg catgaggcgc gacaagaaga aagctacaaa
      181 tgccagcatt gagagggact taccagctgt gggtgtattg ggcatgggcc gcataactgg
      241 ttcctccagc attgaaacac ttgtaagagt gggcattgaa aaggaacacg gtctaagtcc
      301 tgattccaag atggttgtgc tgcacgactt tactccttgc gtggatgatg aactagaggt
      361 gaagcgtgga cagctggtta atatcttgta cagagagaac gattgggtct acgtgattgg
      421 tcaggactct aggcaggagg gtttcatacc cttctcttat tgtgctccct gcaacacgca
      481 actggcggat ttggctgtta agaagaaact gccaagggaa cagtgtccag agcagccgat
      541 cgaagagaat ataccacttt tgggcacgga taacaagctg gatgttcttt gcgatgaaac
      601 cttggatcct ggctccgcca acagcataga gaacaccctg ctggtggagc cagagtgtac
      661 tcctttcgtg aaggaaccct ccgggcgctg tatcgtcttg tacaccttta tagccaggga
      721 cgagaatgat ttgtctgtgg aacggggtga atttgttacc gtgctaaatc gcgaggatcc
      781 cgattggttt tggataatgc gcagtgatgg ccaggaagga tttgtgccag ccagctttat
      841 ttatcctgca gacagtgtac gagttttgca gcaacagaaa gccactttaa atgccatgga
      901 gaccattttg cagcagggtc aacaaggtca gcagagccag caacagcagc agcctcaatt
      961 gggcttggga acagatgatc tacgctacca tggcacggag ctggtgatgc tgtatgatta
     1021 caaagcgcaa gctccagacg atctgtacct ttctgtgcgg agaggagatt ggatttacgc
     1081 agacttaacc aatcagactg ttgatggctg gctttgggct tatgctccga aaacccgcaa
     1141 atatggattc atcccgaaag cctatgcccg accacccgcg atgaccagcc tttaagaaat
     1201 agattcaata ccataatcgt tttaattatc acttcgacta acactaaagc gtaatattcg
     1261 taagtcttcc aaacacagtc gaattgcatt tcgaaaagcg tttctttgtg gcttggatat
     1321 ttttatcttg aacactaaat taattttcaa ctcataaatg ccattttcat tgagtaataa
     1381 attgtgcctt agatttataa aaaaaaaaaa aaaa
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