LOCUS BI371240 606 bp mRNA linear EST 01-AUG-2001
DEFINITION RE58091.5prime RE Drosophila melanogaster normalized Embryo pFlc-1
Drosophila melanogaster cDNA clone RE58091 5 similar to CG18551:
FBan0018551 GO:[] located on: 3R 87D8-87D9;: 05/16/2001, mRNA
VERSION BI371240.1
DBLINK BioSample: SAMN00164057
SOURCE Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
ORGANISM Drosophila melanogaster
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 606)
AUTHORS Stapleton,M., Brokstein,P., Hong,L., Tyler,D., Berman,B.,
Carlson,J., Champe,M., Chavez,C., Dorsett,V., Farfan,D., Frise,E.,
George,R., Gonzalez,M., Guarin,H., Harris,N., Li,P., Liao,G.,
Misra,S., Mungall,C.J., Nunoo,J., Pacleb,J., Paragas,V., Park,S.,
Phouanenavong,S., Wan,K., Yu,C., Lewis,S.E., Celniker,S. and
TITLE BDGP/HHMI RE Drosophila EST Project
JOURNAL Unpublished
COMMENT Contact: Carlson, J.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
One Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Fax: 510 486 7571
hit genomic AE003698: arm:3R [8677309,8903135]
estimated-cyto:87D5-87E1: 05/16/2001
Plate: RE.580 row: H column: 7
High quality sequence stop: 486.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..606
/organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
/sex="male and female"
/clone_lib="SAMN00164057 RE Drosophila melanogaster
normalized Embryo pFlc-1"
/dev_stage="0-24 hours mixed stage embryonic"
/lab_host="DH5-alpha TonA"
/note="Organ: embryo; Vector: pFlc1; Site_1: XhoI; Site_2:
BamHI; Library was kindly generated by Piero Carninci at
the RIKEN. The library was normalized and excised using
Cre recombinase. Plasmid cDNA library."
1 gcagtatatt tcgtggccca ataacgcatc aagtgaaatg tgggcttaat tagcggagag
61 caacgagccc aaggcatgca aaagaagccc atcccagtca ggaaaccaca ccgtagtttt
121 gggaagcggt catggcagcg gcggcgacgg cagcacctgc gacatccagc gggaatgcca
181 gtgtacctgc tccactgccc gcggctgccc caggcggagg aggaggcgca ccaggtgctg
241 gtgggggtgg agcaggtgcc caattccggg aaattcacaa gaacacatgg ctcaaacggc
301 tgacagcgga tgggaaacga ctgaccgtcg ggcccaagaa atctgagtgc tcctgggtgg
361 tgttctgtgt tcacgatgat acggaagctc tgctggaggg ctatgcggaa cctcgtcagg
421 cagctggtca tctgccggaa tgggccgttt ccttgcggga aaccctgcac atctcccatg
481 ccctcatccc caattcgcat gagttcgagt ttgtggtcac gctgagccac gaggtgttgc
541 gctttcacgc cgtctcttgg gagattatgc aagagtgggt ggaaacgctt gcgctcaagc
601 tgcgcg