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AT29378.3prime AT Drosophila melanogaster adult testes pOTB7 Drosophila melanogaster cDNA clone AT29378 3 similar to ptr: FBan0002841 located on: X 2F4-2F4;: 04/09/2001, mRNA sequence

GenBank: BF492436.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BF492436                 619 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 23-APR-2001
DEFINITION  AT29378.3prime AT Drosophila melanogaster adult testes pOTB7
            Drosophila melanogaster cDNA clone AT29378 3 similar to ptr:
            FBan0002841 located on: X 2F4-2F4;: 04/09/2001, mRNA sequence.
VERSION     BF492436.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00161767
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 619)
  AUTHORS   Stapleton,M., Brokstein,P., Hong,L., Agbayani,A., Baxter,E.,
            Berman,B., Carlson,J., Champe,M., Chavez,C., Chew,M., Dorsett,V.,
            Farfan,D., Frise,E., George,R., Gonzalez,M., Guarin,H., Harris,N.,
            Li,P., Liao,G., Miranda,A., Misra,S., Mungall,C.J., Nunoo,J.,
            Pacleb,J., Paragas,V., Park,S., Phouanenavong,S., Wan,K., Yu,C.,
            Lewis,S.E., Celniker,S. and Rubin,G.M.
  TITLE     BDGP/HHMI AT Drosophila EST Project
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
COMMENT     Contact: Carlson, J.
            Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
            One Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
            Fax: 510 486 7571
            Email: http://www.fruitfly.org/EST/index.shtml, cdna@fruitfly.org
            Based upon the presence of a XhoI site followed by a run of 14 or
            more T residues at the beginning of the sequence, this clone
            probably contains an inverted insert. The resulting Poly-T sequence
            has been removed. hit genomic AE003423: arm:X [1813638,2105613]
            estimated-cyto:2C6-2F5: 04/09/2001
            Plate: AT.293  row: G  column: 6
            High quality sequence stop: 550.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..619
                     /organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00161767 AT Drosophila melanogaster adult
                     testes pOTB7"
                     /dev_stage="0-3 day old Ore-R males"
                     /lab_host="Plates AT.10-AT.120: DH5-alpha. Plates
                     AT.121-AT.319: DH5-alpha TonA"
                     /note="Organ: ADULT testes; Vector: pOTB7; Site_1: EcoRI;
                     Site_2: Xho1; The mRNA for the testis library was made
                     from testes and seminal vessicles hand dissected from 0-3
                     day old Ore-R males. RNA kindly provided by the lab of
                     Margaret Fuller. Sized fractionated cDNAs were directly
                     ligated into pOTB7. Plasmid cDNA library."
        1 gaggtgaaaa taagttttac taaatcttgg ctttatcgaa attatataca aactcaacac
       61 aaaatgtatt gttaacggtt taaaaaatat ataacttgtg cgctgcttca ataatttttg
      121 cccgactctc ctcagttcac tttcaaaaac ttaggatcgg ttgaggtcct cgcgtttgaa
      181 gttccgtatc gcgtccaaca gttgggagcg cggatcaggc gcggtgggac cactgcgtcc
      241 gccgttggtt ttcacgggct gcagtgccgg aggcggcggc ggaggggagg gtgtggtcgc
      301 tggctggaca gtgggcttga gtttgacctg caggctcacc ggcttagttt ctggctcctg
      361 gagctttacc tccactttgg tggacttcag agcgacgttc ccactttttg acggcgttgc
      421 tggtttgctt tctggcgggg acttgggcgc ggtagctgaa gaaggaatgc tttcgttcac
      481 ggacaccctt attctcaagg cctgctcctg ttcctgctgc tccttggcca acatacgttc
      541 cttgaagcct gtgcggcgta aagtactctg gccaaagggc gctggtgcag gattggcttc
      601 cactggtctg ttcctcttc
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