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Drosophila melanogaster LD24363 full insert cDNA

GenBank: AY118332.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       AY118332                1466 bp    mRNA    linear   INV 11-JUN-2002
DEFINITION  Drosophila melanogaster LD24363 full insert cDNA.
VERSION     AY118332.1
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1466)
  AUTHORS   Stapleton,M., Brokstein,P., Hong,L., Agbayani,A., Carlson,J.,
            Champe,M., Chavez,C., Dorsett,V., Dresnek,D., Farfan,D., Frise,E.,
            George,R., Gonzalez,M., Guarin,H., Kronmiller,B., Li,P., Liao,G.,
            Miranda,A., Mungall,C.J., Nunoo,J., Pacleb,J., Paragas,V., Park,S.,
            Patel,S., Phouanenavong,S., Wan,K., Yu,C., Lewis,S.E., Rubin,G.M.
            and Celniker,S.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (05-JUN-2002) Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project,
            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road,
            Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
COMMENT     Sequence submitted by:
            Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
             Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
            Berkeley, CA 94720
             This clone was sequenced as part of a high-throughput process to
            sequence clones from Drosophila Gene Collection 1 (Rubin et al.,
            Science 2000). The sequence has been subjected to integrity checks
            for sequence accuracy, presence of a polyA tail and contiguity
            within 100 kb in the genome. Thus we believe the sequence to
            reflect accurately this particular cDNA clone. However, there are
            artifacts associated with the generation of cDNA clones that may
            have not been detected in our initial analyses such as internal
            priming, priming from contaminating genomic DNA, retained introns
            due to reverse transcription of unspliced precursor RNAs, and
            reverse transcriptase errors that result in single base changes.
            For further information about this sequence, including its location
            and relationship to other sequences, please visit our Web site
            (http://fruitfly.berkeley.edu) or send email to
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1466
                     /organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
                     /strain="y; cn bw sp"
     gene            1..1466
     CDS             48..1397
                     /note="Longest ORF"
        1 attgttaatt gttttggttt tacttgcatt aagattacct ggcgaggatg cggaaatacc
       61 agcaactggt gctgctgctc atctcctgcc tcagcgtcag catcctgctg atgtacaaga
      121 ccgagaacaa tcgcctaaag tacgtgctca agtacgtcaa cttcttcgga cgcaacgatg
      181 ccgctgtcct ccgccgcctg gagaacggaa ccaaggagga cggggcgcag gtgctgtggc
      241 gccctctgcc cgtgtggcag gtgatcggag actcctttca tgcctactcc gccttctgga
      301 tgcgcaacga actggtggcc ggcggcgaag cccacgttct ggtggtcgga aaaaagggag
      361 cagtagtcga cttccggtgc agcttggacc ttctgggcgg acgcagtgtg cagggaaagt
      421 ttcgttttca gagggactcc attgagagcc tggtggatga caagtcttcc aacttcacca
      481 gctatcactt cttctgccag gtgagccgag atttcggtca gcccggcagt gtctccttca
      541 cggacataac aaccaccagg agtccagtga ggctgcgtct gcgaaacctg agaccagcga
      601 gcaagaagga cgacgacaag gtggtagctg tagcgcaccg actaccagcc accgtttgcg
      661 ttgatctcgt tggcttcaac atgacctcca agttcgcacg taatgaaaat gctttgctgc
      721 agttcttcct gttccaccag gcattgggaa tagagaattt cctggtctac aaccacgacg
      781 aactgccaga ggaagtgcat cacctgttgg agcgcaccaa cattcatctg tatggcctgc
      841 cttttaactt tcccttccag cagtccaatg gcacacgttc gcgaatccat caactattac
      901 tcacggactg cttgctgcgg aatgtgaacc acgccggctt cacccttcta ctccgcccca
      961 acgagctgtt cttccccaac tcaaagttct ctggggacca ggtgaaggga tcgctccagc
     1021 agcagctgcg acacttctcc tccgagatca cgcgcttcga actggcaacc atgtccgtgt
     1081 gcttcgatga ccggaagaaa ctgttgcccg acaacgttca gtacgacccg gagcgaagat
     1141 ctgagttcaa aacattgctg aatcgcctgg agctgccgcc ggcgcagctc ttggccagta
     1201 catccgatgt ggaactatcg ttatcaaccg gattcgtgca ccgctacgtg gactgcgacc
     1261 atgtgggcag cgatggcctg cacgactggc gcaacgcagt tcgcgaggac tttatggaac
     1321 acatcaatgt gctccgcaac gaggtggagc tactcatcca ggagcgtacg ttaaggttga
     1381 gatttaaata catgtagttt tgagagattg cttgactgcc ataaagagaa tacaagtaag
     1441 cacaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa
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Reference sequence information

  • RefSeq mRNA
    See reference mRNA sequence for the CG11127 gene (NM_136439.3).

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