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6807 Lambda-PRL2 Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clone 121A17T7, mRNA sequence

GenBank: T43544.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       T43544                   506 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 28-JAN-2011
DEFINITION  6807 Lambda-PRL2 Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clone 121A17T7, mRNA
VERSION     T43544.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00154689
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
            Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
            Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 506)
  AUTHORS   Newman,T., deBruijn,F.J., Green,P., Keegstra,K., Kende,H.,
            McIntosh,L., Ohlrogge,J., Raikhel,N., Somerville,S., Thomashow,M.,
            Retzel,E. and Somerville,C.
  TITLE     Genes galore: a summary of methods for accessing results from
            large-scale partial sequencing of anonymous Arabidopsis cDNA clones
  JOURNAL   Plant Physiol. 106, 1241-1255 (1994)
   PUBMED   7846151
COMMENT     On Jan 7, 1998 this sequence version replaced gi:947943.
            Contact: Thomas Newman
            MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
            Michigan State University
            MSU-DOE-PRL, Michigan State University,Plant Biology Bldg.,E.
            Tel: 517-353-0854
            Fax: 517-353-9168
            Email: 22313tcn@ibm.cl.msu.edu
            Seq primer: T7.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..506
                     /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00154689 Lambda-PRL2"
                     /note="Vector: lambda Zip-Lox; Site_1: Sal; Site_2: Not;
                     Lambda PRL2 is a cDNA library derived from equal
                     quantities of 4 pools of mRNA. The mRNA sources were 1) 7
                     day germinated etiolated seedlings; 2) tissue culture
                     grown roots; 3) staged plants half with 24 hour light
                     cycle, half on 16 hr light, 8 hour dark- rosettes; 4) same
                     plants as 3 but aerial tissue (stems, flowers and
                     siliques. The vector is BRL's lambda Zip-Lox. The cDNA
                     inserts were directionally cloned with Sal-Not arms using
                     oligo dT primed cDNA."
        1 cttggctgaa atgcctgctg acagtggata tccagcctat ctagnagcac gtttagcatc
       61 tttctatgaa cgtgctggta aagtaaaatg tcttggtgga ccagaacgta acggaagtnt
      121 tacaattgtt ggtgcagttt cgcctcctgg aggagacttt tcagatcctg tgacttcagc
      181 aacccttagt attgtncagg tcttctgggg tttggacaaa aagcttgccc agagaaaaca
      241 ttttccctct gttaatttgg ttgatttctt actcaaagta ttcaangggc actggaatct
      301 ttctatgaga agttcgatcc agatttnatc aaccatcagg gcaaaaggnc agagnagggt
      361 tttcagaggg nagacggtct taaatgaaat tgtnccagcn tttnggnaan attcgcttna
      421 ggaagggggc aaatcccatt gggaacagct aagtttttng gggaggttnc cctnttaaaa
      481 ngggtttnnc cttttgcaat tttttc
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