LOCUS H71668 501 bp mRNA linear EST 28-JAN-2011
DEFINITION ys01a03.r1 Soares fetal liver spleen 1NFLS Homo sapiens cDNA clone
IMAGE:213484 5', mRNA sequence.
VERSION H71668.1
DBLINK BioSample: SAMN00154876
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 501)
AUTHORS Hillier,L., Lennon,G., Becker,M., Bonaldo,M.F., Chiapelli,B.,
Chissoe,S., Dietrich,N., DuBuque,T., Favello,A., Gish,W.,
Hawkins,M., Hultman,M., Kucaba,T., Lacy,M., Le,M., Le,N.,
Mardis,E., Moore,B., Morris,M., Parsons,J., Prange,C., Rifkin,L.,
Rohlfing,T., Schellenberg,K., Soares,M.B., Tan,F., Thierry-Meg,J.,
Trevaskis,E., Underwood,K., Wohldmann,P., Waterston,R., Wilson,R.
and Marra,M.
TITLE Generation and analysis of 280,000 human expressed sequence tags
JOURNAL Genome Res. 6 (9), 807-828 (1996)
PUBMED 8889549
COMMENT Contact: Wilson RK
Washington University School of Medicine
4444 Forest Park Parkway, Box 8501, St. Louis, MO 63108
Tel: 314 286 1800
Fax: 314 286 1810
Insert Size: 2149
High quality sequence stops: 361
Source: IMAGE Consortium, LLNL
This clone is available royalty-free through LLNL ; contact the
IMAGE Consortium ( for further information.
Insert Length: 2149 Std Error: 0.00
Seq primer: M13RP1
High quality sequence stop: 361.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..501
/organism="Homo sapiens"
/clone_lib="SAMN00154876 Soares fetal liver spleen 1NFLS"
/dev_stage="20 week-post conception fetus"
/lab_host="DH10B (ampicillin resistant)"
/note="Organ: Liver and Spleen; Vector: pT7T3D (Pharmacia)
with a modified polylinker; Site_1: Pac I; Site_2: Eco RI;
1st strand cDNA was primed with a Pac I - oligo(dT) primer
double-stranded cDNA was ligated to Eco RI adaptors
(Pharmacia), digested with Pac I and cloned into the Pac I
and Eco RI sites of the modified pT7T3 vector. Library
went through one round of normalization. Library
constructed by Bento Soares and M.Fatima Bonaldo."
1 attcggcaca gcttccattg gaattatcgc cccctctcct gaacagtact atttcgtgtg
61 aatctcctcc aagccttctt ttcattttat atctcatgct gtaattcttg gaaagtatgc
121 tgtagctcaa gtgcagaatt ctcatcagtt ttatctttat atctctccta aacactttac
181 ctgatgaaga gcctggcata cacataaata tatattgaat gaatcagtga tggattgaaa
241 agagaaatga tggatctcct aaattttaac ttttataaaa tattttgata cattcatgac
301 cttactttag gcaagcaatg aacgtgatgt aaactattgt tgatatagtt tttatattgg
361 gaagtgtaag tagtttgtng gcctgggggt tgtgacatat ccnaggggtt cccncatctg
421 ttttttattg gantgtaatt tcacaagccc ttaaaatttg nccccttnaa agtaaatggt
481 ggcgtnggat ttaggttatt t