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BX384739 Homo sapiens B CELLS (RAMOS CELL LINE) COT 25-NORMALIZED Homo sapiens cDNA clone CS0DL001YK24 5-PRIME, mRNA sequence

GenBank: BX384739.2

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BX384739                1056 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 23-DEC-2010
            Homo sapiens cDNA clone CS0DL001YK24 5-PRIME, mRNA sequence.
VERSION     BX384739.2
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00172527
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1056)
  AUTHORS   Li,W.B., Gruber,C., Jessee,J. and Polayes,D.
  TITLE     Full-length cDNA libraries and normalization
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (2001)
COMMENT     On May 8, 2003 this sequence version replaced BX384739.1.
            Contact: Genoscope
            Genoscope - Centre National de Sequencage
            BP 191 91006 EVRY cedex - FRANCE
            Email: seqref@genoscope.cns.fr, Web : www.genoscope.cns.fr
            1st strand cDNA was primed with a NotI-oligo(dT) primer. Five prime
            end enriched, double-strand cDNA was digested with Not I and cloned
            into the Not I and EcoR V sites of the pCMVSPORT 6 vector. Library
            was normalized. Library was constructed by Life Technologies, a
            division of Invitrogen. This sequence belongs to sequence cluster
            and it belongs to a clone representative of this cluster. For more
            information about this cluster and the virtual cDNA, see
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1056
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /cell_line="RAMOS CELL LINE"
                     /cell_type="B CELLS (RAMOS CELL LINE) COT 25-NORMALIZED"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00172527 Homo sapiens B CELLS (RAMOS CELL
                     LINE) COT 25-NORMALIZED"
                     /note="1st strand cDNA was primed with a NotI-oligo(dT)
                     primer. Five prime end enriched, double-strand cDNA was
                     digested with Not I and cloned into the Not I and EcoR V
                     sites of the pCMVSPORT 6 vector. Library was normalized."
        1 ggatggcaag gcggggagag gggcagcccg ctcgckgccc tcccgcctgg ctctcgcctc
       61 ggcctgcggc sgngatcctc cgcccgggtc gcgcasgang gccgagggct gggacgggcg
      121 gctgggaagt gggaaaggga gctccttttg tcttctcttc ccatccccca ggtttgggaa
      181 agttttcctt ttgggaaagc ccctctcttc agcctgctgg cgggtgtcgg attggttagc
      241 gaccaccggc ccccgcctcc cccaacagga ttctcctttg ggccacaggt cttccggaag
      301 ttgccaaacc ccggtagcgg cagctnccgg ctgggggctt tattaggggg caccggggtc
      361 tgctttccga ctcccttccg actccgcgcc tgcgcaggaa gcgatttggg gagtgttgtg
      421 aattccgagg gctccacact taagaggttg tacactcacc tgtctacctg gactccaatt
      481 tccatatttc cagccacttg aggactgaga ggtggatgat aaaccctgtc atagtggagc
      541 aacttcaggt gtttaaccgc tgttatgggg gatctgcctt ttctccctct tctttcttac
      601 ttccataagt atgtatgtgc agagattgaa aaataacctt gagagagtcc atccatctaa
      661 ctccagttca ttggaaattt ctgcttcttt gagactgagg ttatattcca cttcttctga
      721 ctacaccacc accatcaatc tccttctctg aactcttgga tcattacttc aacctgaaac
      781 aactcatcag gcagaatagt tgcctactgc cccaacccca ccaaatgttc cagcacctct
      841 gatattacct cacatggcaa gagggctttg aagatgtgat tgagtcaagg atcttgaatg
      901 gggagattat ctsaattatt cagctggacc agtgtatcac aaaggtttty maagatggam
      961 ragmgcasaa gavcacaaaa grtatstgmm atggactcag tgtaragttg artaagtgat
     1021 ktaaarsawt cactbctgtt ttkgbttgag atraaa
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