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IPP _7436 Rhesus macaque genomic DNA Macaca mulatta STS genomic clone MMA7436, sequence tagged site

GenBank: BV445095.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BV445095                 772 bp    DNA     linear   STS 12-FEB-2005
DEFINITION  IPP _7436 Rhesus macaque genomic DNA Macaca mulatta STS genomic
            clone MMA7436, sequence tagged site.
VERSION     BV445095.1
SOURCE      Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
  ORGANISM  Macaca mulatta
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Cercopithecidae; Cercopithecinae; Macaca.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 772)
  AUTHORS   Spindel,E.R., Pauley,M., Jia,Y., Thompson,S., Lankhorst,M.,
            Gravett,C., Lupo,S.L., Tchourbanov,A., Ali,H., Ojeda,S.R. and
  TITLE     Targeted amplification of the 3' end of rhesus macaque orthologs of
            human genes
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
            Contact: Spindel ER
            Division of Neuroscience
            Oregon National Primate Research Center
            505 NW 185th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97006, USA
            Tel: 403-690-5388
            Fax: 503-690-5384
            Email: spindele@ohsu.edu
            Primer A: aatgacacagtttaaagacct
            Primer B: tttgcagtatgctcttactta
            STS size: 772
            PCR Profile:
                  Hot Start:       95 degrees C for 2.00 min
                  Denaturation:    95 degrees C for 0.50 min
                  Annealing:       51 degrees C for 0.50 min
                  Polymerization:  72 degrees C for 1.00 min
                  PCR Cycles:      35
                  Extension        72 degrees C for 7.0 min
                  Thermal Cycler:  MJ Instruments PTC100
                       Template:        200 ng
                       Primer:          each 1uM
                       dNTP's:          each 200 uM
                       Taq Polymerase:  0.05 units/ul (Fast Start High
            Fidelity, Roche)
                       Total Vol:       50 ul
                      MgCl2:           1.8 mM
                      Fast Start polymerase reaction buffer (Roche)
            Bases 4-655 are 94% homologous (Blast) to bases 2400-3049 of
            NM_005897.1. Primers were chosen to amplify genomic DNA in the 3'
            region of IPP .  As human sequence was used to design the primers,
            the primer sequences are not included in the rhesus sequence
            provided below. To obtain additional information regarding primers
            or clones contact:  Dr. Robert Norgren; Dept of Genetics, Cell
            Biology & Anatomy; University of Nebraska Medical Center; 986395
            Nebraska Medical Center; Omaha, NE  68198.  Email:
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..772
                     /organism="Macaca mulatta"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /strain="Indian orgin"
                     /clone_lib="Rhesus macaque genomic DNA"
                     /note="Organ: Liver; Vector: pGEM-T Easy; V-type: Plasmid;
                     STS was amplified from rhesus genomic DNA with the human
                     forward and reverse primers listed above and subcloned
                     into pGEM-T Easy"
     gene            1..772
                     /note="intracisternal A particle-promoted polypeptide"
     STS             <1..>772
        1 ctgtatattc acaattgtat ccagagcata attttccatg accatagttt gagctacaga
       61 gaaaagccaa tgaaacagat tcctactttt atttaatgcc aagagttttc attagcccca
      121 aactttttat tggcagcaga tacactagga ggggtgtttg ggaaatatct agctattttt
      181 atagatagat acctttttgc ttgatgataa gtttttgctt gctcatattt tttatcttga
      241 tcctgagaat gcaagtaagg aattaatagg aggttcttag tgaccagatg ttgtaatggg
      301 ctatagagcc cagcaggcag tatgcaccta gaaatttctc tctttttcag gctgggcatg
      361 gtggctcaca cctgtaatcc cagcactttg agagaccgag gtgaggcggg aagattgctt
      421 gaactcagga atttgagacc agccttgggc aacatgacga gactccgtct ctaccaaaaa
      481 atatataaaa attaaccagg catggtggct tgtgcctgtg gtcccatctg cttgggagac
      541 tgaggttgca ggatcacttg agcccaggag gtcaaggctg cagtgagccg agattgtgcc
      601 actgcacact ggcctgggtg acagcatgat aacctgtctc aaaaaaaaga aaaaaggaaa
      661 tttttccttt tttgctagat tgttgtcacc aaaattatct gtttggcttt aggaagaggg
      721 aattttatta gattatcaag ctttgtgaaa tttatttgta cttgtgcaaa cc
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