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UI-R-FF0-cph-e-18-0-UI.s1 NCI_CGAP_FF0 Rattus norvegicus cDNA clone UI-R-FF0-cph-e-18-0-UI 3', mRNA sequence

GenBank: BU759390.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BU759390                 539 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 27-JAN-2011
DEFINITION  UI-R-FF0-cph-e-18-0-UI.s1 NCI_CGAP_FF0 Rattus norvegicus cDNA clone
            UI-R-FF0-cph-e-18-0-UI 3', mRNA sequence.
VERSION     BU759390.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00170794
SOURCE      Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 539)
  AUTHORS   Bonaldo,M.F., Lennon,G. and Soares,M.B.
  TITLE     Normalization and subtraction: two approaches to facilitate gene
  JOURNAL   Genome Res. 6 (9), 791-806 (1996)
   PUBMED   8889548
COMMENT     Contact: Soares, MB
            Cancer Biology & Epigenomics Program
            Children's Memorial Research Center
            2300 Children's Plaza, Box 220, Chicago, IL 60614-3394, USA
            Tel: 773 755 6551
            Fax: 773 755 6378
            Email: mbsoares@childrensmemorial.org
            Tissue Procurement: Jeff Stevens, University of Iowa
             cDNA Library preparation: Dr. M. Bento Soares, University of Iowa
             cDNA Library Arrayed by: Dr. M. Bento Soares, University of Iowa
             DNA Sequencing by: Dr. M. Bento Soares, University of Iowa
             Clone Distribution: DISTRIBUTION: Researchers may obtain clones
            from Research Genetics (www.resgen.com).
            Seq primer: M13 FORWARD
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..539
                     /organism="Rattus norvegicus"
                     /tissue_type="Mixed tissues"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00170794 NCI_CGAP_FF0"
                     /lab_host="DH10B (Life Technologies) (T1 phage resistant)"
                     /note="Vector: pT7T3-Pac (Pharmacia) with a modified
                     polylinker; Site_1: EcoR I; Site_2: Not I; UI-R-FF0 is a
                     subtracted cDNA library containing the following
                     tissue(s): Normal cartilage and SR-JWS Tumor Line . The
                     subtraction was made according to Bonaldo, Lennon and
                     Soares, Genome Research, 6:791-806, 1996. The
                     oligonucleotide used to prime the synthesis of
                     first-strand cDNA contains a library tag sequence that is
                     located between the Not I site and the (dT)18 tail. The
                     sequence tags for these libraries are: CTAATGGACG,
        1 tttttttttt tttttgttgg agaatgaagg tgttaggtca tatggatatt gtttttacag
       61 gcaaatttta ttcccaaatc agcagggcta agcacaccct atgctaacac tgccttctgt
      121 gtcttctgat gcagactaag ataaaaataa ggctgaggag gtttaagatt cccactgtgc
      181 ctcatccttc tgacattttt gtccttaggt catataaggg tttctgctcc aagccctcca
      241 atcaagcatt agctcttccc tgagaaggct agggttaccc tctggtctgc agagaaaccc
      301 acctgtacgg ttcaggaaag gctcagcaga gcactttgct tgtccaccct ctcactagac
      361 tagaggagct gcctgcctta ggagcagcaa gccttgcttt ttgactaatc ttttattaaa
      421 cacatgtgaa cacacagaca ccatggctct tccaagccag gcagaataat ttccagacgt
      481 cagttctgcc ccttcaccgt caacaagtca ggttgtcaga cttggcccgc cctcgtgcc
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