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fu82d05.y1 Gong zebrafish ovary Danio rerio cDNA clone IMAGE:5377568 5', mRNA sequence

GenBank: BM037052.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BM037052                 471 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 05-NOV-2001
DEFINITION  fu82d05.y1 Gong zebrafish ovary Danio rerio cDNA clone
            IMAGE:5377568 5', mRNA sequence.
VERSION     BM037052.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00164273
SOURCE      Danio rerio (zebrafish)
  ORGANISM  Danio rerio
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi;
            Cypriniformes; Danionidae; Danioninae; Danio.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 471)
  AUTHORS   Clark,M., Johnson,S.L., Lehrach,H., Lee,R., Li,F., Marra,M.,
            Eddy,S., Hillier,L., Kucaba,T., Martin,J., Beck,C., Wylie,T.,
            Underwood,K., Steptoe,M., Theising,B., Allen,M., Bowers,Y.,
            Person,B., Swaller,T., Gibbons,M., Pape,D., Harvey,N., Schurk,R.,
            Ritter,E., Kohn,S., Shin,T., Jackson,Y., Cardenas,M., McCann,R.,
            Waterston,R. and Wilson,R.
  TITLE     WashU Zebrafish EST Project 1998
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
COMMENT     Other_ESTs: fu82d05.x1
            Contact: Stephen L. Johnson
            Washington University School of Medicine
            4444 Forest Park Parkway, Box 8501, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA
            Tel: 314 286 1800
            Fax: 314 286 1810
            Email: zbrafish@watson.wustl.edu
            The library was constructed by Dr. Z. Gong. DNA Sequencing by:
            Washington University Genome Sequencing Center St. Louis. Please
            contact Zhiyuan Gong for further information on this library
            (National University of Singapore, Department of Biological
            Sciences, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119260).
            High quality sequence stop: 398.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..471
                     /organism="Danio rerio"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00164273 Gong zebrafish ovary"
                     /dev_stage="4-5 month"
                     /lab_host="DH10B (phage-resistant)"
                     /note="Organ: ovary (pooled); Vector: pBluescript SK-;
                     Site_1: XhoI; Site_2: EcoRI; Poly A+ RNA was isolatd from
                     the ovaries of 2 female adult zebrafish (4-5 month old).
                     cDNAs were made using oligo-dT primers and inserted into
                     lambda ZAP II vector (Stratagene) by Dr. Z. Gong, in vivo
                     mass-excised to pBluescript SK- following the Washington
                     University protocol
                     Please contact Zhiyuan Gong for further information on
                     this library (National University of Singapore, Department
                     of Biological Sciences, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore
        1 actcatgcaa aaagatggac aggatttctc agtgtatctt tcggatggac tgcatctgtc
       61 tgataaaggc aatcagtttg tggcagaaca tttatggacg cttctagaga ggcgagtgtc
      121 tgatttgccc ttcattctgc cttattgggg ggacgtggac ccaaaatgcc ctgagagcag
      181 cctactgtgc gactaaaact caggtcaaat gatgcataaa ggatataaaa cagcattgtg
      241 tcccttttgc ttacatttag acatgtttgg atatgatgaa gatcatgaaa ggctcagcca
      301 ccatgttcac ttatcctttt tcaactgaaa caaactgtat ctaaatacag gaggtattta
      361 cagttacaaa tgcaagctga atgactgata caaaaatgtt tgatgttgaa aatagtcctt
      421 tttttaaaac ggtttaataa agttttgatg aagaaaatgg aaaaaaaaaa a
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