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UI-M-AM1-afv-d-07-0-UI.s1 NIH_BMAP_MAM_N Mus musculus cDNA clone UI-M-AM1-afv-d-07-0-UI 3', mRNA sequence

GenBank: AI847530.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       AI847530                 293 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 27-JAN-2011
DEFINITION  UI-M-AM1-afv-d-07-0-UI.s1 NIH_BMAP_MAM_N Mus musculus cDNA clone
            UI-M-AM1-afv-d-07-0-UI 3', mRNA sequence.
VERSION     AI847530.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00156503
SOURCE      Mus musculus (house mouse)
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 293)
  AUTHORS   Bonaldo,M.F., Lennon,G. and Soares,M.B.
  TITLE     Normalization and subtraction: two approaches to facilitate gene
  JOURNAL   Genome Res. 6 (9), 791-806 (1996)
   PUBMED   8889548
COMMENT     Contact: Chin, H
            National Institute of Mental Health
            6001 Executive Blvd. Room 7N-7190, MSC 9643, Bethesda, MD
            20892-9643, USA
            Tel: 301 443 1706
            Fax: 301 443 9890
            Email: mEST@mail.nih.gov
            The sequence contained an oligo-dT track that was present in the
            oligonucleotide that was used to prime the synthesis of first
            strand cDNA and therefore this may represent a bonafide poly A
            tail. The sequence tag present in the cDNA between the NotI site
            and the oligo-dT track served to verify it as a clone from the
            normalized amygdala library cDNA Library Preparation: M.B. Soares
            Lab Clone distribution: NIH BMAP cDNA clones will be made available
            by the means that is soon to be determined. When NIH determines the
            means for distribution of the BMAP cDNA clones, this record will be
            updated accordingly when that means is determined. The following
            repetitive elements were found in this cDNA sequence: 1-110,
            Seq primer: M13 Forward
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..293
                     /organism="Mus musculus"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00156503 NIH_BMAP_MAM_N"
                     /dev_stage="27-32 days"
                     /lab_host="DH10B (Life Technologies)"
                     /note="Vector: pT7T3D-PacI; Site_1: Not I; Site_2: Eco RI;
                     The NIH_BMAP_MAM_N library is a normalized library
                     constructed from mouse amygdala. The tag is a string of 5
                     nucleotides present between the Not I site and the
                     oligo-dT track. The library was constructed as described
                     by Bonaldo, Lennon and Soares, Genome Research 6: 791-806,
                     1996. Tissue provided by Ms. Annie Novakovich,
                     Zivic-Miller Laboratories.
        1 tttttttttt tttctttctt tctttctttc tttctttctt tcttccttcc ttccttcctt
       61 cctttctttt tctttctttc tttctttctt tctttctttc tttctttctt gggcctgggt
      121 ctgcacttga ggattctgcc tcactccccg cttccttatt ctggggctga ggtttgggca
      181 agcgcttctt tttcttcttc cgttcccgcc tcccttccag catcttcttg taggcttttt
      241 cagggacatc atcctctggg aaagtgcctc cagccagctc ccgcagcttt tgg
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