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GenBank: AF187871.1
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LOCUS AF187871 1167 bp mRNA linear PLN 21-JUL-2003 DEFINITION Arabidopsis thaliana fibrillarin homolog (Fbr1) mRNA, complete cds. ACCESSION AF187871 VERSION AF187871.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) ORGANISM Arabidopsis thaliana Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae; Camelineae; Arabidopsis. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1167) AUTHORS Pih,K.T., Yi,M.J., Liang,Y.S., Shin,B.J., Cho,M.J., Hwang,I. and Son,D. TITLE Molecular cloning and targeting of a fibrillarin homolog from Arabidopsis JOURNAL Plant Physiol. 123 (1), 51-58 (2000) PUBMED 10806224 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1167) AUTHORS Phi,K.T., Yi,M.J., Liang,Y.S., Shin,B.J., Cho,M.J., Hwang,I. and Son,D. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (17-SEP-1999) Department of Molecular Biology, Gyeongsang National University, Gazwa-dong 900, Chinju, Gyeongsangnamdo 660-701, Korea FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1167 /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:3702" gene 1..1167 /gene="Fbr1" CDS 63..995 /gene="Fbr1" /codon_start=1 /product="fibrillarin homolog" /protein_id="AAF00542.1" /translation="MRPPVTGGRGGGGFRGGRDGGGRGFGGGRSFGGGRSGDRGRSGP RGRGRGAPRGRGGPPRGGMKGGSKVIVEPHRHAGVFIAKGKEDALVTKNLVPGEAVYN EKRISVQNEDGTKVEYRVWNPFRSKLAAAILGGVDLDNIWIKPGAKVLYLGAASGTTV SHVSDLVGPEGCVYAVEFSHRSGRDLVNMAKKRTNVIPIIEDARHPAKYRMLVGMVDV IFSDVAQPDQARILALNASFFLKTGGHFVISIKANCIDSTVAAEAVFQSEVKKLQQEQ FKPAEQVTLEPFERDHACVVGGYRMPKKQKAPAS" ORIGIN 1 ctcctttgcc ctcgtttttt ttcggttctc gtctttcgtt cttcactttt agacaagcaa 61 atatgagacc cccagttaca ggaggacgtg gtggtggagg attcagaggt ggaagagatg 121 gtggtggaag aggttttgga ggtggaagaa gctttggagg aggccgtagt ggtgacagag 181 gccgtagtgg gcctcgcggc agaggacgtg gtgcgcctcg tggtcgtgga ggaccacctc 241 gtggaggaat gaaaggagga agcaaagtga ttgttgagcc tcacagacat gcgggagtgt 301 ttattgctaa gggtaaagaa gatgctcttg tcactaagaa tttggttcct ggtgaagctg 361 tttacaatga gaagagaatc tctgttcaga atgaagatgg aactaaggtt gaatacagag 421 tttggaatcc gtttagatct aagttagctg ctgcaattct tggtggtgtc gacctcgaca 481 acatttggat caaacctggt gccaaagttc tttacttggg tgctgcttct gggaccactg 541 tctctcatgt ttctgacctc gttggccctg agggatgtgt ttatgctgtt gagttttctc 601 atagaagtgg tagagatttg gtgaacatgg ccaagaagag aactaacgtt attccaatca 661 ttgaagatgc tagacatccg gctaagtaca gaatgctcgt gggcatggtt gatgtcatat 721 tctctgatgt tgctcagcca gatcaggcaa gaatcttggc cctgaatgcc tcatttttcc 781 tcaaaactgg tggacacttt gttatctcaa tcaaggccaa ctgtatcgac tctacagttg 841 cagcagaagc agtcttccag agcgaggtga agaagttgca acaagagcag tttaaaccag 901 cagaacaggt gactctcgag ccgtttgagc gtgaccatgc ctgtgttgtt ggtggttacc 961 gcatgcccaa gaaacaaaaa gccccagcct catagaggaa ctgtggacag tagtacctgt 1021 gtattaagac ttatttactg ggttttgttt ttatctcttc gcttgttgta ttaagctaga 1081 gatggataat gcttttatgt ctcatttgga aattttattc tcgtttaaga actaatatat 1141 attgatgcaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa //
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