Mason-Pfizer monkey virus
A species of BETARETROVIRUS isolated from mammary carcinoma in rhesus monkeys. It appears to have evolved from a recombination between a murine B oncovirus and a primate C oncovirus related to the baboon endogenous virus. Several serologically distinct strains exist. MPMV induces SIMIAN AIDS.
Year introduced: 1991
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Tree Number(s): B04.613.807.124.520, B04.613.807.805.550, B04.820.650.124.520, B04.820.650.805.550
MeSH Unique ID: D016093
Registry Number: txid11855
Entry Terms:
- Mason Pfizer monkey virus
- SRV-3
- Simian retrovirus 1
- SRV-1
- Simian retrovirus 2
- SRV-2
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