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Anorectal malformation

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome

Neutrophil actin dysfunction

Neutrophil actin dysfunction (NAD) is an immunologic disorder characterized by early onset of recurrent infections, including oral, skin, and respiratory. Organisms are mainly bacterial and fungal. Patients tend to develop fever and hepatosplenomegaly with continued infection; bone marrow transplant is an effective treatment. The disorder results from impaired neutrophil mobility and chemotaxis associated with abnormal actin dynamics. Although a causative mutation has not been identified, studies have shown an association between the disorder and increased levels of a 47-kD F-actin-binding protein known as LSP1 (153432) and decreased levels of an unknown 89-kD protein (summary by Coates et al., 1991 and Howard et al., 1998). [from OMIM]

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome

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