From HPO
Ureteral duplication- MedGen UID:
- 66380
- •Concept ID:
- C0221365
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
A developmental anomaly characterized by the presence of two, instead of one, ureter connecting a kidney to the bladder.
Hypospadias- MedGen UID:
- 163083
- •Concept ID:
- C0848558
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Abnormal position of urethral meatus on the ventral penile shaft (underside) characterized by displacement of the urethral meatus from the tip of the glans penis to the ventral surface of the penis, scrotum, or perineum.
Congenital vertical talus- MedGen UID:
- 66821
- •Concept ID:
- C0240912
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Congenital vertical talus (CVT), also known as 'rocker-bottom foot' deformity, is a dislocation of the talonavicular joint characterized by vertical orientation of the talus with a rigid dorsal dislocation of the navicular, equinus deformity of the calcaneus, abduction deformity of the forefoot, and contracture of the soft tissues of the hind- and mid-foot. This condition is usually associated with multiple other congenital deformities and only rarely is an isolated deformity with familial occurrence (summary by Levinsohn et al., 2004). The condition is transmitted in an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, and sometimes shows incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. There may be a broad spectrum of deformities, including flatfoot, talipes equinovarus (TEV or clubfoot), cavus foot, metatarsus adductus, and even hypoplasia of the tibia (summary by Dobbs et al., 2006).
Osteolytic defects of the distal phalanges of the hand- MedGen UID:
- 341480
- •Concept ID:
- C1849547
- •
- Finding
Patent ductus arteriosus- MedGen UID:
- 4415
- •Concept ID:
- C0013274
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
In utero, the ductus arteriosus (DA) serves to divert ventricular output away from the lungs and toward the placenta by connecting the main pulmonary artery to the descending aorta. A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the first 3 days of life is a physiologic shunt in healthy term and preterm newborn infants, and normally is substantially closed within about 24 hours after bith and completely closed after about three weeks. Failure of physiologcal closure is referred to a persistent or patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Depending on the degree of left-to-right shunting, PDA can have clinical consequences.
Atrial septal defect- MedGen UID:
- 6753
- •Concept ID:
- C0018817
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital abnormality of the interatrial septum that enables blood flow between the left and right atria via the interatrial septum.
Fetal growth restriction- MedGen UID:
- 4693
- •Concept ID:
- C0015934
- •
- Pathologic Function
An abnormal restriction of fetal growth with fetal weight below the tenth percentile for gestational age.
Low-set ears- MedGen UID:
- 65980
- •Concept ID:
- C0239234
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Upper insertion of the ear to the scalp below an imaginary horizontal line drawn between the inner canthi of the eye and extending posteriorly to the ear.
Ankylosis- MedGen UID:
- 8101
- •Concept ID:
- C0003090
- •
- Pathologic Function
A reduction of joint mobility resulting from changes involving the articular surfaces.
Micrognathia- MedGen UID:
- 44428
- •Concept ID:
- C0025990
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Developmental hypoplasia of the mandible.
Congenital pseudoarthrosis of clavicle- MedGen UID:
- 75577
- •Concept ID:
- C0265565
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
The two portions of the clavicle (corresponding to the two primary ossification centers of the clavicle) are connected by a fibrous bridge that is contiguous with the periosteum, and a synovial membrane develops, resulting in a clavicle with a bipartite appearance radiographically. Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle generally presents as a painless mass or swelling over the clavicle.
Flexion contracture- MedGen UID:
- 83069
- •Concept ID:
- C0333068
- •
- Anatomical Abnormality
A flexion contracture is a bent (flexed) joint that cannot be straightened actively or passively. It is thus a chronic loss of joint motion due to structural changes in muscle, tendons, ligaments, or skin that prevents normal movement of joints.
Short clavicles- MedGen UID:
- 96529
- •Concept ID:
- C0426799
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Reduced length of the clavicles.
Large fontanelles- MedGen UID:
- 105329
- •Concept ID:
- C0456132
- •
- Finding
In newborns, the two frontal bones, two parietal bones, and one occipital bone are joined by fibrous sutures, which form a small posterior fontanelle, and a larger, diamond-shaped anterior fontanelle. These regions allow for the skull to pass the birth canal and for later growth. The fontanelles gradually ossify, whereby the posterior fontanelle usually closes by eight weeks and the anterior fontanelle by the 9th to 16th month of age. Large fontanelles are diagnosed if the fontanelles are larger than age-dependent norms.
Kyphoscoliosis- MedGen UID:
- 154361
- •Concept ID:
- C0575158
- •
- Anatomical Abnormality
An abnormal curvature of the spine in both a coronal (lateral) and sagittal (back-to-front) plane.
Thin clavicles- MedGen UID:
- 659167
- •Concept ID:
- C0575535
- •
- Finding
Abnormally reduced diameter (cross section) of the clavicles.
Decreased calvarial ossification- MedGen UID:
- 322270
- •Concept ID:
- C1833762
- •
- Finding
Abnormal reduction in ossification of the calvaria (roof of the skull consisting of the frontal bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, and occipital bone).
Increased anterioposterior diameter of thorax- MedGen UID:
- 336414
- •Concept ID:
- C1848760
- •
- Finding
Overtubulated long bones- MedGen UID:
- 338539
- •Concept ID:
- C1848769
- •
- Finding
Overconstriction, or narrowness of the diaphysis and metaphysis of long bones.
Wide anterior fontanel- MedGen UID:
- 400926
- •Concept ID:
- C1866134
- •
- Finding
Enlargement of the anterior fontanelle with respect to age-dependent norms.
Limb joint contracture- MedGen UID:
- 369611
- •Concept ID:
- C1969879
- •
- Anatomical Abnormality
A contracture (chronic loss of joint motion due to structural changes in muscle, tendons, ligaments, or skin) that prevent normal movement of one or more joints of the limbs.
Temporomandibular joint ankylosis- MedGen UID:
- 444041
- •Concept ID:
- C2931375
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Bony fusion of the mandibular condyle to the base of the skull, resulting in limitation of jaw opening.
Pulmonary hypoplasia- MedGen UID:
- 78574
- •Concept ID:
- C0265783
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
A congenital abnormality in which the lung parenchyma is not fully developed. It may be associated with other congenital abnormalities.
Blepharophimosis- MedGen UID:
- 2670
- •Concept ID:
- C0005744
- •
- Anatomical Abnormality
A fixed reduction in the vertical distance between the upper and lower eyelids with short palpebral fissures.
Choanal atresia- MedGen UID:
- 3395
- •Concept ID:
- C0008297
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Absence or abnormal closure of the choana (the posterior nasal aperture). Most embryologists believe that posterior choanal atresia results from a failure of rupture between the 35th and 38th day of fetal life of the partition which separates the bucconasal or buccopharyngeal membranes. The resultant choanal atresia may be unilateral or bilateral, bony or membranous, complete or incomplete. In over 90 per cent of cases the obstruction is bony, while in the remainder it is membranous. The bony type of atresia is commonly located 1-2 mm. anterior to the posterior edge of the hard palate, and the osseous septum varies in thickness from 1 to 10 mm. In the membranous form of choanal atresia the obstruction usually occurs further posteriorly. In approximately one third of cases the atresia is bilateral.
Entropion- MedGen UID:
- 41813
- •Concept ID:
- C0014390
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormal inversion (turning inward) of the eyelid (usually the lower) towards the globe. Entropion is usually acquired as a result of involutional or cicatricial processes but may occasionally be congenital.
Narrow mouth- MedGen UID:
- 44435
- •Concept ID:
- C0026034
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Distance between the commissures of the mouth more than 2 SD below the mean. Alternatively, an apparently decreased width of the oral aperture (subjective).
Natal tooth- MedGen UID:
- 10268
- •Concept ID:
- C0027443
- •
- Finding
A tooth present at birth or erupting within the first month of life.
Convex nasal ridge- MedGen UID:
- 66809
- •Concept ID:
- C0240538
- •
- Finding
Nasal ridge curving anteriorly to an imaginary line that connects the nasal root and tip. The nose appears often also prominent, and the columella low.
Short palpebral fissure- MedGen UID:
- 98067
- •Concept ID:
- C0423112
- •
- Finding
Distance between the medial and lateral canthi is more than 2 SD below the mean for age (objective); or, apparently reduced length of the palpebral fissures.
Submucous cleft hard palate- MedGen UID:
- 98472
- •Concept ID:
- C0432103
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Hard-palate submucous clefts are characterized by bony defects in the midline of the bony palate that are covered by the mucous membrane of the roof of the mouth. It may be possible to detect a submucous cleft hard palate upon palpation as a notch in the bony palate.
Sparse eyebrow- MedGen UID:
- 371332
- •Concept ID:
- C1832446
- •
- Finding
Decreased density/number of eyebrow hairs.
Depressed nasal bridge- MedGen UID:
- 373112
- •Concept ID:
- C1836542
- •
- Finding
Posterior positioning of the nasal root in relation to the overall facial profile for age.
Narrow nasal ridge- MedGen UID:
- 373404
- •Concept ID:
- C1837761
- •
- Finding
Decreased width of the nasal ridge.
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the eyebrow- MedGen UID:
- 892938
- •Concept ID:
- C4021956
- •
- Finding
Absence or underdevelopment of the eyebrow.
Scaling skin- MedGen UID:
- 472970
- •Concept ID:
- C0237849
- •
- Finding
Refers to the loss of the outer layer of the epidermis in large, scale-like flakes.
Thin skin- MedGen UID:
- 140848
- •Concept ID:
- C0423757
- •
- Finding
Reduction in thickness of the skin, generally associated with a loss of suppleness and elasticity of the skin.
Short nail- MedGen UID:
- 140850
- •Concept ID:
- C0423808
- •
- Finding
Decreased length of nail.
Hyperkeratosis- MedGen UID:
- 209030
- •Concept ID:
- C0870082
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Hyperkeratosis is thickening of the epidermis involving the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, which is composed of large, polyhedral, plate-like envelopes filled with keratin which are the dead cells that have migrated up from the stratum granulosum.
Absent eyelashes- MedGen UID:
- 334299
- •Concept ID:
- C1843005
- •
- Congenital Abnormality
Lack of eyelashes.
Sparse eyelashes- MedGen UID:
- 375151
- •Concept ID:
- C1843300
- •
- Finding
Decreased density/number of eyelashes.
Prominent superficial blood vessels- MedGen UID:
- 376437
- •Concept ID:
- C1848771
- •
- Finding
Skin erosion- MedGen UID:
- 854383
- •Concept ID:
- C3887524
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A discontinuity of the skin exhibiting incomplete loss of the epidermis, a lesion that is moist, circumscribed, and usually depressed.
Premature rupture of membranes- MedGen UID:
- 8826
- •Concept ID:
- C0015944
- •
- Pathologic Function
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is a condition which occurs in pregnancy when the amniotic sac ruptures more than an hour before the onset of labor.
Polyhydramnios- MedGen UID:
- 6936
- •Concept ID:
- C0020224
- •
- Pathologic Function
The presence of excess amniotic fluid in the uterus during pregnancy.
Oligohydramnios- MedGen UID:
- 86974
- •Concept ID:
- C0079924
- •
- Pathologic Function
Diminished amniotic fluid volume in pregnancy.
Premature birth- MedGen UID:
- 57721
- •Concept ID:
- C0151526
- •
- Pathologic Function
The birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks of gestational age.
Decreased fetal movement- MedGen UID:
- 68618
- •Concept ID:
- C0235659
- •
- Finding
An abnormal reduction in quantity or strength of fetal movements.
Short umbilical cord- MedGen UID:
- 78620
- •Concept ID:
- C0266786
- •
- Finding
Decreased length of the umbilical cord.
Hydropic placenta- MedGen UID:
- 542630
- •Concept ID:
- C0270254
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormality of the placenta in which there are numerous cystic spaces within the placenta as well as placental enlargement.
Spontaneous chorioamniotic separation- MedGen UID:
- 1813058
- •Concept ID:
- C5676638
- •
- Pathologic Function
Persistence separation of the chorionic and amnionic membranes after the 16th week of gestation (not as a result of a procedure such as amniocentesis).
Adrenal hypoplasia- MedGen UID:
- 337539
- •Concept ID:
- C1846223
- •
- Pathologic Function
Developmental hypoplasia of the adrenal glands.
Hypertelorism- MedGen UID:
- 9373
- •Concept ID:
- C0020534
- •
- Finding
Although hypertelorism means an excessive distance between any paired organs (e.g., the nipples), the use of the word has come to be confined to ocular hypertelorism. Hypertelorism occurs as an isolated feature and is also a feature of many syndromes, e.g., Opitz G syndrome (see 300000), Greig cephalopolysyndactyly (175700), and Noonan syndrome (163950) (summary by Cohen et al., 1995).
- Abnormality of head or neck
- Abnormality of limbs
- Abnormality of prenatal development or birth
- Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Abnormality of the endocrine system
- Abnormality of the eye
- Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Abnormality of the integument
- Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Abnormality of the respiratory system
- Ear malformation
- Growth abnormality