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Neurodevelopmental disorder with language impairment and behavioral abnormalities(NEDLIB)

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Synonym: GRIA2-related neurodevelopmental disorder
Gene (location): GRIA2 (4q32.1)
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0030060
OMIM®: 618917


Neurodevelopmental disorder with speech impairment and behavioral abnormalities (NEDLIB) is characterized by impaired intellectual development or developmental delay, behavioral abnormalities including autistic features, and language impairment. Other features include seizures and developmental regression (Salpietro et al., 2019). [from OMIM]

Clinical features

From HPO
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Cryptorchidism, or failure of testicular descent, is a common human congenital abnormality with a multifactorial etiology that likely reflects the involvement of endocrine, environmental, and hereditary factors. Cryptorchidism can result in infertility and increases risk for testicular tumors. Testicular descent from abdomen to scrotum occurs in 2 distinct phases: the transabdominal phase and the inguinoscrotal phase (summary by Gorlov et al., 2002).
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Clubfoot is a congenital limb deformity defined as fixation of the foot in cavus, adductus, varus, and equinus (i.e., inclined inwards, axially rotated outwards, and pointing downwards) with concomitant soft tissue abnormalities (Cardy et al., 2007). Clubfoot may occur in isolation or as part of a syndrome (e.g., diastrophic dysplasia, 222600). Clubfoot has been reported with deficiency of long bones and mirror-image polydactyly (Gurnett et al., 2008; Klopocki et al., 2012).
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Chorea (Greek for 'dance') refers to widespread arrhythmic involuntary movements of a forcible, jerky and restless fashion. It is a random-appearing sequence of one or more discrete involuntary movements or movement fragments. Movements appear random because of variability in timing, duration or location. Each movement may have a distinct start and end. However, movements may be strung together and thus may appear to flow randomly from one muscle group to another. Chorea can involve the trunk, neck, face, tongue, and extremities.
Febrile seizure (within the age range of 3 months to 6 years)
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A febrile seizure is any type of seizure (most often a generalized tonic-clonic seizure) occurring with fever (at least 38 degrees Celsius) but in the absence of central nervous system infection, severe metabolic disturbance or other alternative precipitant in children between the ages of 3 months and 6 years.
Dystonic disorder
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
An abnormally increased muscular tone that causes fixed abnormal postures. There is a slow, intermittent twisting motion that leads to exaggerated turning and posture of the extremities and trunk.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A motor disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes with increased muscle tone, exaggerated (hyperexcitable) tendon reflexes.
Motor stereotypies
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Individual Behavior
Use of the same abnormal action in response to certain triggers or at random. They may be used as a way to regulate one's internal state but must otherwise have no apparent functional purpose.
Self-injurious behavior
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Individual Behavior
Clonic seizure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A clonic seizure is a type of motor seizure characterized by sustained rhythmic jerking, that is regularly repetitive.
Cerebral atrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Atrophy (wasting, decrease in size of cells or tissue) affecting the cerebrum.
Tonic seizure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A tonic seizure is a type of motor seizure characterized by unilateral or bilateral limb stiffening or elevation, often with neck stiffening.
Delayed speech and language development
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A degree of language development that is significantly below the norm for a child of a specified age.
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A bilateral tonic-clonic seizure is a seizure defined by a tonic (bilateral increased tone, lasting seconds to minutes) and then a clonic (bilateral sustained rhythmic jerking) phase.
Global developmental delay
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A delay in the achievement of motor or mental milestones in the domains of development of a child, including motor skills, speech and language, cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills. This term should only be used to describe children younger than five years of age.
Inability to walk
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Incapability to ambulate.
Stereotypical hand wringing
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Habitual clasping and wringing of the hands in the middle of the body, similar to a hand-washing movement.
Compulsive behaviors
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Behavior that consists of repetitive acts, characterized by the feeling that one "has to" perform them, while being aware that these acts are not in line with one's overall goal.
Cerebellar atrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cerebellar atrophy is defined as a cerebellum with initially normal structures, in a posterior fossa with normal size, which displays enlarged fissures (interfolial spaces) in comparison to the foliae secondary to loss of tissue. Cerebellar atrophy implies irreversible loss of tissue and result from an ongoing progressive disease until a final stage is reached or a single injury, e.g. an intoxication or infectious event.
Focal-onset seizure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A focal-onset seizure is a type of seizure originating within networks limited to one hemisphere. They may be discretely localized or more widely distributed, and may originate in subcortical structures.
Gait ataxia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A type of ataxia characterized by the impairment of the ability to coordinate the movements required for normal walking. Gait ataxia is characteirzed by a wide-based staggering gait with a tendency to fall.
Autistic behavior
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Persistent deficits in social interaction and communication and interaction as well as a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interest as well as repetitive patterns of behavior.
Absent speech
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Complete lack of development of speech and language abilities.
Intellectual disability
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Intellectual disability, previously referred to as mental retardation, is characterized by subnormal intellectual functioning that occurs during the developmental period. It is defined by an IQ score below 70.
Progressive microcephaly
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Anatomical Abnormality
Progressive microcephaly is diagnosed when the head circumference falls progressively behind age- and gender-dependent norms.

Professional guidelines


D'Onofrio G, Accogli A, Severino M, Caliskan H, Kokotović T, Blazekovic A, Jercic KG, Markovic S, Zigman T, Goran K, Barišić N, Duranovic V, Ban A, Borovecki F, Ramadža DP, Barić I, Fazeli W, Herkenrath P, Marini C, Vittorini R, Gowda V, Bouman A, Rocca C, Alkhawaja IA, Murtaza BN, Rehman MMU, Al Alam C, Nader G, Mancardi MM, Giacomini T, Srivastava S, Alvi JR, Tomoum H, Matricardi S, Iacomino M, Riva A, Scala M, Madia F, Pistorio A, Salpietro V, Minetti C, Rivière JB, Srour M, Efthymiou S, Maroofian R, Houlden H, Vernes SC, Zara F, Striano P, Nagy V
Hum Genet 2023 Jul;142(7):909-925. Epub 2023 May 14 doi: 10.1007/s00439-023-02552-2. PMID: 37183190Free PMC Article
Valverde de Morales HG, Wang HV, Garber K, Cheng X, Corces VG, Li H
Am J Med Genet A 2023 Mar;191(3):718-729. Epub 2022 Dec 1 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.63065. PMID: 36454652Free PMC Article
Sabus A, Feinstein J, Romani P, Goldson E, Blackmer A
Pharmacotherapy 2019 Jun;39(6):645-664. Epub 2019 Mar 27 doi: 10.1002/phar.2238. PMID: 30793794Free PMC Article

Recent clinical studies


Ozlu C, Bailey RM, Sinnett S, Goodspeed KD
Dev Neurosci 2021;43(3-4):230-240. Epub 2021 Apr 21 doi: 10.1159/000515434. PMID: 33882495
Bar C, Barcia G, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Schneider A, Mignot C, Lesca G, Breuillard D, Montomoli M, Keren B, Doummar D, Billette de Villemeur T, Afenjar A, Marey I, Gerard M, Isnard H, Poisson A, Dupont S, Berquin P, Meyer P, Genevieve D, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Guët A, Scalais E, Dorison N, Myers CT, Mefford HC, Howell KB, Marini C, Freeman JL, Nica A, Terrone G, Sekhara T, Lebre AS, Odent S, Sadleir LG, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R
Hum Mutat 2020 Jan;41(1):69-80. Epub 2019 Oct 4 doi: 10.1002/humu.23915. PMID: 31513310
Sabus A, Feinstein J, Romani P, Goldson E, Blackmer A
Pharmacotherapy 2019 Jun;39(6):645-664. Epub 2019 Mar 27 doi: 10.1002/phar.2238. PMID: 30793794Free PMC Article
Reichow B, Hume K, Barton EE, Boyd BA
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2018 May 9;5(5):CD009260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009260.pub3. PMID: 29742275Free PMC Article
Muhle R, Trentacoste SV, Rapin I
Pediatrics 2004 May;113(5):e472-86. doi: 10.1542/peds.113.5.e472. PMID: 15121991


Valverde de Morales HG, Wang HV, Garber K, Cheng X, Corces VG, Li H
Am J Med Genet A 2023 Mar;191(3):718-729. Epub 2022 Dec 1 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.63065. PMID: 36454652Free PMC Article
Cousin MA, Creighton BA, Breau KA, Spillmann RC, Torti E, Dontu S, Tripathi S, Ajit D, Edwards RJ, Afriyie S, Bay JC, Harper KM, Beltran AA, Munoz LJ, Falcon Rodriguez L, Stankewich MC, Person RE, Si Y, Normand EA, Blevins A, May AS, Bier L, Aggarwal V, Mancini GMS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Cremer K, Becker J, Engels H, Aretz S, MacKenzie JJ, Brilstra E, van Gassen KLI, van Jaarsveld RH, Oegema R, Parsons GM, Mark P, Helbig I, McKeown SE, Stratton R, Cogne B, Isidor B, Cacheiro P, Smedley D, Firth HV, Bierhals T, Kloth K, Weiss D, Fairley C, Shieh JT, Kritzer A, Jayakar P, Kurtz-Nelson E, Bernier RA, Wang T, Eichler EE, van de Laar IMBH, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald MT, Kemppainen J, Lanpher BC, Schultz-Rogers LE, Gunderson LB, Pichurin PN, Yoon G, Zech M, Jech R, Winkelmann J; Undiagnosed Diseases Network; Genomics England Research Consortium, Beltran AS, Zimmermann MT, Temple B, Moy SS, Klee EW, Tan QK, Lorenzo DN
Nat Genet 2021 Jul;53(7):1006-1021. Epub 2021 Jul 1 doi: 10.1038/s41588-021-00886-z. PMID: 34211179Free PMC Article
Bar C, Barcia G, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Schneider A, Mignot C, Lesca G, Breuillard D, Montomoli M, Keren B, Doummar D, Billette de Villemeur T, Afenjar A, Marey I, Gerard M, Isnard H, Poisson A, Dupont S, Berquin P, Meyer P, Genevieve D, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Guët A, Scalais E, Dorison N, Myers CT, Mefford HC, Howell KB, Marini C, Freeman JL, Nica A, Terrone G, Sekhara T, Lebre AS, Odent S, Sadleir LG, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R
Hum Mutat 2020 Jan;41(1):69-80. Epub 2019 Oct 4 doi: 10.1002/humu.23915. PMID: 31513310
Bellini S, Peters JK
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2008 Oct;17(4):857-73, x. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2008.06.008. PMID: 18775374
Muhle R, Trentacoste SV, Rapin I
Pediatrics 2004 May;113(5):e472-86. doi: 10.1542/peds.113.5.e472. PMID: 15121991


Tseng LA, Abdenur JE, Andrews A, Aziz VG, Bok LA, Boyer M, Buhas D, Hartmann H, Footitt EJ, Grønborg S, Janssen MCH, Longo N, Lunsing RJ, MacKenzie AE, Wijburg FA, Gospe SM Jr, Coughlin CR 2nd, van Karnebeek CDM
Mol Genet Metab 2022 Apr;135(4):350-356. Epub 2022 Feb 17 doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2022.02.005. PMID: 35279367
Frank Y
Pediatr Neurol 2021 Sep;122:59-64. Epub 2021 Jun 16 doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2021.06.002. PMID: 34325981
Sabus A, Feinstein J, Romani P, Goldson E, Blackmer A
Pharmacotherapy 2019 Jun;39(6):645-664. Epub 2019 Mar 27 doi: 10.1002/phar.2238. PMID: 30793794Free PMC Article
Reichow B, Hume K, Barton EE, Boyd BA
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2018 May 9;5(5):CD009260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009260.pub3. PMID: 29742275Free PMC Article
Paprocka J, Jamroz E, Szwed-Białozyt B, Jezela-Stanek A, Kopyta I, Marszał E
Neurologist 2007 Sep;13(5):305-12. doi: 10.1097/01.nrl.0000253067.32759.aa. PMID: 17848870


Bar C, Barcia G, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Schneider A, Mignot C, Lesca G, Breuillard D, Montomoli M, Keren B, Doummar D, Billette de Villemeur T, Afenjar A, Marey I, Gerard M, Isnard H, Poisson A, Dupont S, Berquin P, Meyer P, Genevieve D, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Guët A, Scalais E, Dorison N, Myers CT, Mefford HC, Howell KB, Marini C, Freeman JL, Nica A, Terrone G, Sekhara T, Lebre AS, Odent S, Sadleir LG, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R
Hum Mutat 2020 Jan;41(1):69-80. Epub 2019 Oct 4 doi: 10.1002/humu.23915. PMID: 31513310
van Schalkwyk GI, Volkmar FR, Corlett PR
J Autism Dev Disord 2017 May;47(5):1323-1340. doi: 10.1007/s10803-017-3065-9. PMID: 28185044
Swillen A, McDonald-McGinn D
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2015 Jun;169(2):172-81. Epub 2015 May 18 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31435. PMID: 25989227Free PMC Article
Ullman MT, Pullman MY
Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2015 Apr;51:205-22. Epub 2015 Jan 15 doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2015.01.008. PMID: 25597655Free PMC Article
McGeown HR, Johnstone EC, McKirdy J, Owens DC, Stanfield AC
J Intellect Disabil Res 2013 Aug;57(8):766-33. Epub 2012 Feb 28 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01533.x. PMID: 22369675

Clinical prediction guides

Asta L, Ricciardello A, Cucinotta F, Turriziani L, Boncoddo M, Bellomo F, Angelini J, Gnazzo M, Scandolo G, Pisanò G, Pelagatti F, Chehbani F, Camia M, Persico AM
J Neurodev Disord 2024 Oct 3;16(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s11689-024-09572-7. PMID: 39363263Free PMC Article
Miroševič Š, Khandelwal S, Sušjan P, Žakelj N, Gosar D, Forstnerič V, Lainšček D, Jerala R, Osredkar D
Int J Mol Sci 2022 Oct 19;23(20) doi: 10.3390/ijms232012564. PMID: 36293418Free PMC Article
Cousin MA, Creighton BA, Breau KA, Spillmann RC, Torti E, Dontu S, Tripathi S, Ajit D, Edwards RJ, Afriyie S, Bay JC, Harper KM, Beltran AA, Munoz LJ, Falcon Rodriguez L, Stankewich MC, Person RE, Si Y, Normand EA, Blevins A, May AS, Bier L, Aggarwal V, Mancini GMS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Cremer K, Becker J, Engels H, Aretz S, MacKenzie JJ, Brilstra E, van Gassen KLI, van Jaarsveld RH, Oegema R, Parsons GM, Mark P, Helbig I, McKeown SE, Stratton R, Cogne B, Isidor B, Cacheiro P, Smedley D, Firth HV, Bierhals T, Kloth K, Weiss D, Fairley C, Shieh JT, Kritzer A, Jayakar P, Kurtz-Nelson E, Bernier RA, Wang T, Eichler EE, van de Laar IMBH, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald MT, Kemppainen J, Lanpher BC, Schultz-Rogers LE, Gunderson LB, Pichurin PN, Yoon G, Zech M, Jech R, Winkelmann J; Undiagnosed Diseases Network; Genomics England Research Consortium, Beltran AS, Zimmermann MT, Temple B, Moy SS, Klee EW, Tan QK, Lorenzo DN
Nat Genet 2021 Jul;53(7):1006-1021. Epub 2021 Jul 1 doi: 10.1038/s41588-021-00886-z. PMID: 34211179Free PMC Article
Guo H, Bettella E, Marcogliese PC, Zhao R, Andrews JC, Nowakowski TJ, Gillentine MA, Hoekzema K, Wang T, Wu H, Jangam S, Liu C, Ni H, Willemsen MH, van Bon BW, Rinne T, Stevens SJC, Kleefstra T, Brunner HG, Yntema HG, Long M, Zhao W, Hu Z, Colson C, Richard N, Schwartz CE, Romano C, Castiglia L, Bottitta M, Dhar SU, Erwin DJ, Emrick L, Keren B, Afenjar A, Zhu B, Bai B, Stankiewicz P, Herman K; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Mercimek-Andrews S, Juusola J, Wilfert AB, Abou Jamra R, Büttner B, Mefford HC, Muir AM, Scheffer IE, Regan BM, Malone S, Gecz J, Cobben J, Weiss MM, Waisfisz Q, Bijlsma EK, Hoffer MJV, Ruivenkamp CAL, Sartori S, Xia F, Rosenfeld JA, Bernier RA, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Xia K, Stegmann APA, Bellen HJ, Murgia A, Eichler EE
Nat Commun 2019 Oct 15;10(1):4679. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12435-8. PMID: 31616000Free PMC Article
Hagerman RJ, Amiri K, Cronister A
Am J Med Genet 1991 Feb-Mar;38(2-3):283-7. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.1320380223. PMID: 2018072

Recent systematic reviews

Miroševič Š, Khandelwal S, Sušjan P, Žakelj N, Gosar D, Forstnerič V, Lainšček D, Jerala R, Osredkar D
Int J Mol Sci 2022 Oct 19;23(20) doi: 10.3390/ijms232012564. PMID: 36293418Free PMC Article
Leader G, Abberton C, Cunningham S, Gilmartin K, Grudzien M, Higgins E, Joshi L, Whelan S, Mannion A
Nutrients 2022 Apr 1;14(7) doi: 10.3390/nu14071471. PMID: 35406084Free PMC Article
Lukito S, Norman L, Carlisi C, Radua J, Hart H, Simonoff E, Rubia K
Psychol Med 2020 Apr;50(6):894-919. Epub 2020 Mar 27 doi: 10.1017/S0033291720000574. PMID: 32216846Free PMC Article
Reichow B, Hume K, Barton EE, Boyd BA
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2018 May 9;5(5):CD009260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009260.pub3. PMID: 29742275Free PMC Article
Baumel A, Pawar A, Mathur N, Kane JM, Correll CU
J Clin Psychiatry 2017 Sep/Oct;78(8):e957-e969. doi: 10.4088/JCP.16r11063. PMID: 28493653

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