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Retinitis pigmentosa-hearing loss-premature aging-short stature-facial dysmorphism syndrome(SHRF)

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Synonym: Short stature, hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and distinctive facies
Modes of inheritance:
Autosomal recessive inheritance
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Intellectual Product
Source: Orphanet
A mode of inheritance that is observed for traits related to a gene encoded on one of the autosomes (i.e., the human chromosomes 1-22) in which a trait manifests in individuals with two pathogenic alleles, either homozygotes (two copies of the same mutant allele) or compound heterozygotes (whereby each copy of a gene has a distinct mutant allele).
Gene (location): EXOSC2 (9q34.12)
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0044634
OMIM®: 617763
Orphanet: ORPHA494439


SHRF is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by short stature, brachydactyly, dysmorphic facial features, hearing loss, and visual impairment. Onset of the hearing and visual abnormalities, including retinitis pigmentosa, varies from birth to the second decade. Patients have mild intellectual disability and mild cerebellar atrophy with myelination defects on brain imaging (summary by Di Donato et al., 2016). [from OMIM]

Clinical features

From HPO
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Digits that appear disproportionately short compared to the hand/foot. The word brachydactyly is used here to describe a series distinct patterns of shortened digits (brachydactyly types A-E). This is the sense used here.
Broad thumb
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Increased thumb width without increased dorso-ventral dimension.
Broad distal phalanx of finger
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Abnormally wide (broad) distal phalanx of finger.
Hypertensive disorder
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The presence of chronic increased pressure in the systemic arterial system.
Short stature
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A height below that which is expected according to age and gender norms. Although there is no universally accepted definition of short stature, many refer to "short stature" as height more than 2 standard deviations below the mean for age and gender (or below the 3rd percentile for age and gender dependent norms).
Low-set ears
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Upper insertion of the ear to the scalp below an imaginary horizontal line drawn between the inner canthi of the eye and extending posteriorly to the ear.
Posteriorly rotated ears
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
A type of abnormal location of the ears in which the position of the ears is characterized by posterior rotation (the superior part of the ears is rotated towards the back of the head, and the inferior part of the ears towards the front).
Hearing impairment
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A decreased magnitude of the sensory perception of sound.
Intellectual disability, mild
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Mild intellectual disability is defined as an intelligence quotient (IQ) in the range of 50-69.
Cerebellar hypoplasia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Cerebellar hypoplasia is a descriptive term implying a cerebellum with a reduced volume, but a normal shape and is stable over time.
Delayed speech and language development
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A degree of language development that is significantly below the norm for a child of a specified age.
Global developmental delay
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A delay in the achievement of motor or mental milestones in the domains of development of a child, including motor skills, speech and language, cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills. This term should only be used to describe children younger than five years of age.
Cerebellar atrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cerebellar atrophy is defined as a cerebellum with initially normal structures, in a posterior fossa with normal size, which displays enlarged fissures (interfolial spaces) in comparison to the foliae secondary to loss of tissue. Cerebellar atrophy implies irreversible loss of tissue and result from an ongoing progressive disease until a final stage is reached or a single injury, e.g. an intoxication or infectious event.
Motor delay
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A type of Developmental delay characterized by a delay in acquiring motor skills.
Delayed CNS myelination
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Anatomical Abnormality
Delayed myelination in the central nervous system.
Extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid accumulation
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
An increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subarachnoid space.
Cerebral cortical atrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Atrophy of the cortex of the cerebrum.
Basal ganglia calcification
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Pathologic Function
The presence of calcium deposition affecting one or more structures of the basal ganglia.
Concave nasal ridge
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Nasal ridge curving posteriorly to an imaginary line that connects the nasal root and tip.
Upslanted palpebral fissure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
The palpebral fissure inclination is more than two standard deviations above the mean for age (objective); or, the inclination of the palpebral fissure is greater than typical for age.
Short palpebral fissure
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Distance between the medial and lateral canthi is more than 2 SD below the mean for age (objective); or, apparently reduced length of the palpebral fissures.
Broad nasal tip
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Increase in width of the nasal tip.
Prominent forehead
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Forward prominence of the entire forehead, due to protrusion of the frontal bone.
Anteverted nares
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Anteriorly-facing nostrils viewed with the head in the Frankfurt horizontal and the eyes of the observer level with the eyes of the subject. This gives the appearance of an upturned nose (upturned nasal tip).
Wide nasal base
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Increased distance between the attachments of the alae nasi to the face.
Broad columella
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Increased width of the columella.
Long philtrum
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Distance between nasal base and midline upper lip vermilion border more than 2 SD above the mean. Alternatively, an apparently increased distance between nasal base and midline upper lip vermilion border.
Thin upper lip vermilion
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Height of the vermilion of the upper lip in the midline more than 2 SD below the mean. Alternatively, an apparently reduced height of the vermilion of the upper lip in the frontal view (subjective).
Progeroid facial appearance
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A degree of wrinkling of the facial skin that is more than expected for the age of the individual, leading to a prematurely aged appearance.
Patchy alopecia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Transient, non-scarring hair loss and preservation of the hair follicle located in in well-defined patches.
Sparse hair
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Reduced density of hairs.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Deficiency of thyroid hormone.
Corneal dystrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The term corneal dystrophy embraces a heterogenous group of bilateral genetically determined non-inflammatory corneal diseases that are restricted to the cornea.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Glaucoma refers loss of retinal ganglion cells in a characteristic pattern of optic neuropathy usually associated with increased intraocular pressure.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is an eye condition that causes blurry distance vision. People who are nearsighted have more trouble seeing things that are far away (such as when driving) than things that are close up (such as when reading or using a computer). If it is not treated with corrective lenses or surgery, nearsightedness can lead to squinting, eyestrain, headaches, and significant visual impairment.\n\nNearsightedness usually begins in childhood or adolescence. It tends to worsen with age until adulthood, when it may stop getting worse (stabilize). In some people, nearsightedness improves in later adulthood.\n\nFor normal vision, light passes through the clear cornea at the front of the eye and is focused by the lens onto the surface of the retina, which is the lining of the back of the eye that contains light-sensing cells. People who are nearsighted typically have eyeballs that are too long from front to back. As a result, light entering the eye is focused too far forward, in front of the retina instead of on its surface. It is this change that causes distant objects to appear blurry. The longer the eyeball is, the farther forward light rays will be focused and the more severely nearsighted a person will be.\n\nNearsightedness is measured by how powerful a lens must be to correct it. The standard unit of lens power is called a diopter. Negative (minus) powered lenses are used to correct nearsightedness. The more severe a person's nearsightedness, the larger the number of diopters required for correction. In an individual with nearsightedness, one eye may be more nearsighted than the other.\n\nEye doctors often refer to nearsightedness less than -5 or -6 diopters as "common myopia." Nearsightedness of -6 diopters or more is commonly called "high myopia." This distinction is important because high myopia increases a person's risk of developing other eye problems that can lead to permanent vision loss or blindness. These problems include tearing and detachment of the retina, clouding of the lens (cataract), and an eye disease called glaucoma that is usually related to increased pressure within the eye. The risk of these other eye problems increases with the severity of the nearsightedness. The term "pathological myopia" is used to describe cases in which high myopia leads to tissue damage within the eye.
Night blindness
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Inability to see well at night or in poor light.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Rhythmic, involuntary oscillations of one or both eyes related to abnormality in fixation, conjugate gaze, or vestibular mechanisms.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A misalignment of the eyes so that the visual axes deviate from bifoveal fixation. The classification of strabismus may be based on a number of features including the relative position of the eyes, whether the deviation is latent or manifest, intermittent or constant, concomitant or otherwise and according to the age of onset and the relevance of any associated refractive error.
High myopia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A severe form of myopia with greater than -6.00 diopters.
Deeply set eye
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
An eye that is more deeply recessed into the plane of the face than is typical.
Rod-cone dystrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
An inherited retinal disease subtype in which the rod photoreceptors appear to be more severely affected than the cone photoreceptors. Typical presentation is with nyctalopia (due to rod dysfunction) followed by loss of mid-peripheral field of vision, which gradually extends and leaves many patients with a small central island of vision due to the preservation of macular cones.

Term Hierarchy

CClinical test,  RResearch test,  OOMIM,  GGeneReviews,  VClinVar  
  • CROGVRetinitis pigmentosa-hearing loss-premature aging-short stature-facial dysmorphism syndrome

Professional guidelines


Spahiu L, Behluli E, Grajçevci-Uka V, Liehr T, Temaj G
J Mother Child 2022 Mar 1;26(1):118-123. Epub 2023 Feb 22 doi: 10.34763/jmotherandchild.20222601.d-22-00034. PMID: 36803942Free PMC Article
Gana S, Serpieri V, Valente EM
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2022 Mar;190(1):72-88. Epub 2022 Mar 3 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31963. PMID: 35238134Free PMC Article
Braverman NE, Raymond GV, Rizzo WB, Moser AB, Wilkinson ME, Stone EM, Steinberg SJ, Wangler MF, Rush ET, Hacia JG, Bose M
Mol Genet Metab 2016 Mar;117(3):313-21. Epub 2015 Dec 23 doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2015.12.009. PMID: 26750748Free PMC Article

Recent clinical studies


Karali M, Testa F, Di Iorio V, Torella A, Zeuli R, Scarpato M, Romano F, Onore ME, Pizzo M, Melillo P, Brunetti-Pierri R, Passerini I, Pelo E, Cremers FPM, Esposito G, Nigro V, Simonelli F, Banfi S
Sci Rep 2022 Dec 2;12(1):20815. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24636-1. PMID: 36460718Free PMC Article
Gana S, Serpieri V, Valente EM
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2022 Mar;190(1):72-88. Epub 2022 Mar 3 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31963. PMID: 35238134Free PMC Article
McConnachie DJ, Stow JL, Mallett AJ
Am J Kidney Dis 2021 Mar;77(3):410-419. Epub 2020 Oct 9 doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.08.012. PMID: 33039432
Zhu T, Chen DF, Wang L, Wu S, Wei X, Li H, Jin ZB, Sui R
Br J Ophthalmol 2021 May;105(5):694-703. Epub 2020 Jul 16 doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-315786. PMID: 32675063
Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D
J Med Genet 2015 Aug;52(8):514-22. Epub 2015 Jun 19 doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087. PMID: 26092869Free PMC Article


Cruz AAV, Feltrini T, Chahud F, Messias K
Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 2023 May-Jun 01;39(3):e71-e72. Epub 2023 Mar 16 doi: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000002253. PMID: 36928037
Spahiu L, Behluli E, Grajçevci-Uka V, Liehr T, Temaj G
J Mother Child 2022 Mar 1;26(1):118-123. Epub 2023 Feb 22 doi: 10.34763/jmotherandchild.20222601.d-22-00034. PMID: 36803942Free PMC Article
Gana S, Serpieri V, Valente EM
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2022 Mar;190(1):72-88. Epub 2022 Mar 3 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31963. PMID: 35238134Free PMC Article
Crawford D, Dearmun A
Nurs Child Young People 2017 Jun 12;29(5):15. doi: 10.7748/ncyp.29.5.15.s19. PMID: 28604212
Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D
J Med Genet 2015 Aug;52(8):514-22. Epub 2015 Jun 19 doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087. PMID: 26092869Free PMC Article


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Orphanet J Rare Dis 2006 Sep 7;1:34. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-1-34. PMID: 16959034Free PMC Article
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J Pathol 2004 Nov;204(4):470-7. doi: 10.1002/path.1652. PMID: 15495266Free PMC Article
Schnur RE, Heymann WR
Semin Cutan Med Surg 1997 Mar;16(1):72-80. doi: 10.1016/s1085-5629(97)80038-7. PMID: 9125768


Chavez E, Goncalves S, Rheault MN, Fornoni A
Adv Kidney Dis Health 2024 May;31(3):170-179. doi: 10.1053/j.akdh.2024.02.004. PMID: 39004457
Gana S, Serpieri V, Valente EM
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2022 Mar;190(1):72-88. Epub 2022 Mar 3 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31963. PMID: 35238134Free PMC Article
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), Monteagudo A
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020 Dec;223(6):B38-B41. Epub 2020 Nov 7 doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.08.184. PMID: 33168220
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Singh AD, Rundle PA, Rennie I
Ophthalmol Clin North Am 2005 Mar;18(1):167-76, x. doi: 10.1016/j.ohc.2004.07.005. PMID: 15763202

Clinical prediction guides

Jadon T, Sadda S, Singh G, Narayan P, Chhablani J, Venkatesh P
Retin Cases Brief Rep 2023 Sep 1;17(5):499-503. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000001265. PMID: 37643031
Aksu Uzunhan T, Ertürk B, Aydın K, Ayaz A, Altunoğlu U, Yarar MH, Gezdirici A, İçağasıoğlu DF, Gökpınar İli E, Uyanık B, Eser M, Kutbay YB, Topçu Y, Kılıç B, Bektaş G, Arduç Akçay A, Ekici B, Chousein A, Avcı Ş, Yüksel A, Kayserili H
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2023 Jan;224:107560. Epub 2022 Dec 13 doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2022.107560. PMID: 36580738
Keino H
Immunol Med 2021 Jun;44(2):86-97. Epub 2020 Jul 29 doi: 10.1080/25785826.2020.1800244. PMID: 32726184
Patel KH, Kalevar A, McDonald HR, Johnson RN
Retin Cases Brief Rep 2017 Winter;11 Suppl 1:S11-S13. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000384. PMID: 27533644
Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D
J Med Genet 2015 Aug;52(8):514-22. Epub 2015 Jun 19 doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087. PMID: 26092869Free PMC Article

Recent systematic reviews

Han JH, Cancellieri F, Perea-Romero I, Ayuso C, Quinodoz M, Rivolta C
Ophthalmic Res 2024;67(1):107-114. Epub 2023 Nov 28 doi: 10.1159/000535545. PMID: 38016437
Bea-Mascato B, Valverde D
J Med Genet 2023 Dec 21;61(1):18-26. doi: 10.1136/jmg-2023-109175. PMID: 37321834Free PMC Article
Tsang TW, Finlay-Jones A, Perry K, Grigg JR, Popova S, Cheung MMY, Bower C, Tam P, Jamieson RV, Elliott EJ
Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2023 Aug;30(4):340-351. Epub 2022 Sep 14 doi: 10.1080/09286586.2022.2123004. PMID: 36102703
von Scheibler ENMM, van der Valk Bouman ES, Nuijts MA, Bauer NJC, Berendschot TTJM, Vermeltfoort P, Bok LA, van Eeghen AM, Houben ML, van Amelsvoort TAMJ, Boot E, van Egmond-Ebbeling MB
Am J Med Genet A 2022 Feb;188(2):569-578. Epub 2021 Nov 12 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62556. PMID: 34773366Free PMC Article
Christian EA, Imahiyerobo TA, Nallapa S, Urata M, McComb JG, Krieger MD
Neurosurg Focus 2015 May;38(5):E6. doi: 10.3171/2015.2.FOCUS14853. PMID: 25929968

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