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60S ribosome subunit biogenesis protein nip7

Name:60S ribosome subunit biogenesis protein nip7

RefSeq Selected Product:OMJ30448.1, 129 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:zoopagomycotan fungi

Assembly Accessions:2

Protein Accessions:2

CDS Regions:2

Total Rows:2

 Source  CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
INSDC LSSM01000001.1
2745-3134 (+)
OMJ30448.1 60S ribosome subunit biogenesis protein nip7 Smittium culicis ID-206-W2 GCA_001970865.1
INSDC LSSN01000089.1
2637-3026 (+)
OMJ25929.1 60S ribosome subunit biogenesis protein nip7 Smittium culicis GSMNP GCA_001970855.1

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