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proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform B

Name:proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform A

RefSeq Selected Product:NP_609804.1, 201 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:flies

Assembly Accessions:2

Protein Accessions:7

CDS Regions:9

Total Rows:9

 Source  CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
RefSeq NM_135960.4
101-706 (+)
NP_609804.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform A Drosophila melanogaster
RefSeq NT_033779.5
16731289-16732033 (-)
NP_609804.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform A Drosophila melanogaster GCF_000001215.4
RefSeq NM_001273582.1
101-706 (+)
NP_001260511.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform B Drosophila melanogaster
RefSeq NT_033779.5
16731289-16732033 (-)
NP_001260511.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform B Drosophila melanogaster GCF_000001215.4
INSDC AE014134.6
16731289-16732033 (-)
AAF53558.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform A Drosophila melanogaster GCA_000001215.4
INSDC AY113632.1
98-703 (+)
AAM29637.1 RH72196p Drosophila melanogaster y; cn bw sp
INSDC FJ633029.1
17-619 (+)
ACL87288.1 CG17331-PA synthetic construct
INSDC FJ637588.1
17-622 (+)
ACL91847.1 CG17331-PA synthetic construct
INSDC AE014134.6
16731289-16732033 (-)
AGB93046.1 proteasome beta4 subunit, isoform B Drosophila melanogaster GCA_000001215.4

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