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translocase of outer membrane 22-I

Name:translocase of outer membrane 22-I

RefSeq Selected Product:NP_563699.1, 94 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:eudicots

Assembly Accessions:8

Protein Accessions:12

CDS Regions:15

Total Rows:16

 CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
RefSeq NC_003070.9
1050832-1051116 (-)
NP_563699.1 translocase of outer membrane 22-I Arabidopsis thaliana GCF_000001735.4
RefSeq NM_100288.3
79-363 (+)
NP_563699.1 translocase of outer membrane 22-I Arabidopsis thaliana
Swiss-Prot N/A O64497.1 Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM9-1
INSDC AC002411.1
74761-75045 (+)
AAC16747.1 Contains similarity to hypothetical mitochondrial import receptor subunit gb|Z98597 from S. pombe. ESTs gb|T45575 and gb|Z26435 and gb|AA394576 come from this gene. Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
INSDC AE005172.1
1050907-1051191 (-)
AAC16747.1 Contains similarity to hypothetical mitochondrial import receptor subunit gb|Z98597 from S. pombe. ESTs gb|T45575 and gb|Z26435 and gb|AA394576 come from this gene. Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
INSDC AY086260.1
72-356 (+)
AAM64333.1 unknown Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC BT025570.1
1-285 (+)
ABF58988.1 At1g04070 Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC CP002684.1
1050832-1051116 (-)
AEE27651.1 translocase of outer membrane 22-I Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000001735.2
INSDC AK175541.1
53-337 (+)
BAD43304.1 unknown protein Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC CACSHJ010000087.1
1059866-1060150 (-)
CAA0163009.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902705455.1
INSDC LR881466.1
1054208-1054492 (-)
CAD5311680.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_904420315.1
INSDC CM032913.1
1129690-1129974 (-)
KAG7645012.1 hypothetical protein Arabidopsis thaliana x Arabidopsis arenosa GCA_019202795.1
INSDC JAEFBK010000001.1
1129690-1129974 (-)
KAG7645012.1 hypothetical protein Arabidopsis thaliana x Arabidopsis arenosa GCA_019202795.1
INSDC CM004359.1
1052698-1052982 (-)
OAP17522.1 TOM22-I Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_001651475.1
INSDC LUHQ01000001.1
1052698-1052982 (-)
OAP17522.1 TOM22-I Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_001651475.1
INSDC CACRSJ010000104.1
1057729-1058013 (-)
VYS44940.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902651935.1

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