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myb domain protein 51

Name:myb domain protein 51

RefSeq Selected Product:NP_173292.1, 352 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:eudicots

Assembly Accessions:5

Protein Accessions:38

CDS Regions:12

Total Rows:40

 CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
INSDC AC026238.2
30276-31537 (-)
AAF98417.1 Putative transcription factor MYB51 Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
INSDC AE005172.1
6389582-6390843 (+)
AAF98417.1 Putative transcription factor MYB51 Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
RefSeq NC_003070.9
6389765-6391026 (+)
NP_173292.1 myb domain protein 51 Arabidopsis thaliana GCF_000001735.4
RefSeq NM_101715.4
367-1425 (+)
NP_173292.1 myb domain protein 51 Arabidopsis thaliana
Swiss-Prot N/A O49782.2 Transcription factor MYB51
INSDC AF062887.1
61-1119 (+)
AAC83609.1 putative transcription factor Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC BT006244.1
1-1059 (+)
AAP12893.1 At1g18570 Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC AY519555.1
1-1059 (+)
AAS10025.1 MYB transcription factor Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC CP002684.1
6389765-6391026 (+)
AEE29730.1 myb domain protein 51 Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000001735.2
INSDC AK117331.1
280-1338 (+)
BAC42001.1 unknown protein Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC CACSHJ010000087.1
6361318-6362577 (+)
CAA0218636.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902705455.1
INSDC CACRSJ010000104.1
6371521-6372780 (+)
VYS46491.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902651935.1
PAT N/A ABL51066.1 Sequence 20 from patent US 7135616
PAT N/A ACC28778.1 Sequence 450 from patent US 7345217
PAT N/A ACQ21257.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 7511190
PAT N/A ADA06165.1 Sequence 20 from patent US 7598429
PAT N/A ADC18807.1 Sequence 112 from patent US 7635800
PAT N/A ADF07865.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 7659446
PAT N/A AEQ40230.1 Sequence 538 from patent US 8030546
PAT N/A AFC08704.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 8110725
PAT N/A AFX53630.1 Sequence 9778 from patent US 8299321
PAT N/A AGM80690.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 8426678
PAT N/A AGM82903.1 Sequence 112 from patent US 8426685
PAT N/A AJM48846.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 8796510
PAT N/A AJM62648.1 Sequence 450 from patent US 8809630
PAT N/A AOB50358.1 Sequence 17 from patent US 9102748
PAT N/A APM96469.1 Sequence 879 from patent US 9290773
PAT N/A APN70564.1 Sequence 1438 from patent US 9322031
PAT N/A ARH52125.1 Sequence 20 from patent US 9447425
PAT N/A ARI27993.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 9476039
PAT N/A AVA48199.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 9725728
PAT N/A AWT75893.1 Sequence 17 from patent US 9944941
PAT N/A AYI43238.1 Sequence 202 from patent US 10047372
PAT N/A AZJ67025.1 Sequence 20 from patent US 10093942
PAT JA739329.1
61-1119 (+)
CCF77125.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana
PAT N/A QBC79426.1 Sequence 202 from patent US 10155956
PAT N/A QFN42346.1 Sequence 202 from patent US 10316325
PAT N/A QFP35522.1 Sequence 202 from patent US 10385356
PAT N/A QMY09453.1 Sequence 538 from patent US 10597667
PAT N/A WLO34777.1 Sequence 2052 from patent US 11566256

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