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GTR Home > Conditions/Phenotypes > Immunodeficiency 78 with autoimmunity and developmental delay


Immunodeficiency-78 with autoimmunity and developmental delay (IMD78) is an autosomal recessive systemic disorder characterized by onset of symptoms in early childhood. Affected individuals present with features of immune deficiency, such as recurrent sinopulmonary or skin infections, as well as autoimmunity, including autoimmune cytopenias, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Autoimmune hepatitis or thyroid disease and central nervous system vasculitis with stroke may also occur. There is increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Laboratory studies show lymphopenia with advanced differentiation and premature senescence of CD8+ T cells and B cells; some patients may have hypergammaglobulinemia. The findings indicate immune dysregulation. Patients also have global developmental delay with speech delay and variable intellectual disability. Many patients die prematurely, but successful hematopoietic bone marrow transplant may be curative (summary by Lu et al., 2014 and Atallah et al., 2021). [from OMIM]

Available tests

9 tests are in the database for this condition.

Genes See tests for all associated and related genes

  • Also known as: IMD78, TPP-2, TPP-II, TPPII, TPP2
    Summary: tripeptidyl peptidase 2

Clinical features


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