ProfileGDS919 / 4381
TitleCytosine methylase inactivation and histone deacetylase inhibition effect on expression
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana

aza-dC TSA aza-dC, TSA GSM27521 GSM27527 GSM27522 GSM27530 GSM27523 60% 58% 74% 75% 46% sort by agent Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM27521Regulation of an overlapping set of genes - Slide 1(Repeat)0.10860
GSM27527Regulation of an overlapping set of genes - Slide 70.12358
GSM27522Regulation of an overlapping set of genes - Slide 2(Repeat)0.20374
GSM27530Regulation of an overlapping set of genes - Slide 8(Repeat 2)0.23375
GSM27523Regulation of an overlapping set of genes - Slide 3-0.1546