ProfileGDS5201 / 10600169
TitleLung tumors arising from Wnt/beta-catenin signaling activation and constitutively active Kras mutant
OrganismMus musculus

normal lung lung tumor control active Kras active Kras and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling GSM661022 GSM661023 GSM661020 GSM661021 GSM661018 GSM661019 99% 99% 99% 99% 96% 97% sort by tissue sort by genotype/variation Gene Expression Profile
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GSM661022Normal Lung rep113.423199
GSM661023Normal Lung rep213.300599
GSM661020Lung tumor CC10-cre:KrasG12D single mutant rep113.277899
GSM661021Lung tumor CC10-cre:KrasG12D single mutant rep212.99399
GSM661018Lung tumor Ctnnb1ex3flox:LSL-KrasG12D double mutant rep111.983396
GSM661019Lung tumor Ctnnb1ex3flox:LSL-KrasG12D double mutant rep212.35497