ProfileGDS5099 / ILMN_3176146
TitlePancreatic cancer-stellate cell organotypic cultures
OrganismHomo sapiens

Capan1 pancreatic cancer cells exposed to PS1 stellate cells Capan1 pancreatic cancer cells only GSM900842 GSM900843 GSM900844 GSM900845 GSM900846 GSM900847 88% 87% 82% 83% 85% 83% sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM900842Capan1 exposed to stellate cell rep1476.29588
GSM900843Capan1 exposed to stellate cell rep2417.37887
GSM900844Capan1 exposed to stellate cell rep3271.7382
GSM900845Cancer cell only rep1299.46583
GSM900846Cancer cell only rep2369.7885
GSM900847Cancer cell only rep3306.94883