ProfileGDS4985 / 10515277
TitlePhorbol ester effect on skin of Rho exchange factor Vav2/Vav3 double knockout mutants: time course
OrganismMus musculus

Vav2-/-;Vav3-/- wild type TPA control TPA control 1 application 4 daily applications 1 application 4 daily applications 1 application GSM1003242 GSM1003243 GSM1003244 GSM1003245 GSM1003246 GSM1003247 GSM1003240 GSM1003241 GSM1003251 GSM1003252 GSM1003253 GSM1003254 GSM1003255 GSM1003256 GSM1003248 GSM1003249 GSM1003250 48% 54% 51% 58% 57% 58% 50% 59% 53% 50% 50% 51% 47% 54% 54% 56% 51% sort by genotype/variation sort by agent sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM1003242DKO mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 16.5312148
GSM1003243DKO mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 26.8919854
GSM1003244DKO mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 36.7322851
GSM1003245DKO mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 17.0684758
GSM1003246DKO mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 27.0508457
GSM1003247DKO mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 37.0847558
GSM1003240DKO mouse skin treated once with acetone and collected 24 hr later, replicate 16.6949950
GSM1003241DKO mouse skin treated once with acetone and collected 24 hr later, replicate 27.1549659
GSM1003251WT mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 16.8553353
GSM1003252WT mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 26.6246550
GSM1003253WT mouse skin treated once with TPA and collected 24 hr later, replicate 36.6203850
GSM1003254WT mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 16.6797651
GSM1003255WT mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 26.4251547
GSM1003256WT mouse skin treated daily with TPA during 4 days and collected 24 hr later, replicate 36.875854
GSM1003248WT mouse skin treated once with acetone and collected 24 hr later, replicate 16.9152654
GSM1003249WT mouse skin treated once with acetone and collected 24 hr later, replicate 27.019456
GSM1003250WT mouse skin treated once with acetone and collected 24 hr later, replicate 36.7225451