ProfileGDS3633 / 1638744_at
Titlep24 deficiency
OrganismDrosophila melanogaster

control p24 null abdomen head to thorax abdomen head to thorax GSM277408 GSM277409 GSM277410 GSM277411 GSM277412 GSM277413 GSM277414 GSM277415 GSM277416 GSM277417 GSM277418 GSM277419 9% 7% 5% 18% 30% 18% 12% 2% 10% 17% 21% 20% sort by genotype/variation sort by tissue Gene Expression Profile
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GSM277408Control Abd_116.63559
GSM277409Control Abd_213.18327
GSM277410Control Abd_311.68455
GSM277411Control HT_134.172218
GSM277412Control HT_259.643930
GSM277413Control HT_336.429518
GSM277414Logjam Abd_119.152212
GSM277415Logjam Abd_24.77262
GSM277416Logjam Abd_317.35210
GSM277417Logjam HT_133.294817
GSM277418Logjam HT_241.51921
GSM277419Logjam HT_343.643920