ProfileGDS3039 / MmugDNA.38253.1.S1_at
TitleCorpus luteum response to prostaglandin F2alpha
OrganismMacaca mulatta

control PGF2alpha GSM197318 GSM197319 GSM197320 GSM197314 GSM197315 GSM197316 4% 29% 43% 17% 35% 7% sort by agent Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM197318Vehicle control (PBS) for 24 h_45.23284
GSM197319Vehicle control (PBS) for 24 h_554.437329
GSM197320Vehicle control (PBS) for 24 h_692.246343
GSM197314PGF2alpha (3 injections) at a dose of 59 µg/kg BW_121.616917
GSM197315PGF2alpha (3 injections) at a dose of at 59 µg/kg BW for 24 h_261.647735
GSM197316PGF2alpha (3 injections) at a dose of at 59 µg/kg BW for 24 h_39.422457