ProfileGDS2862 / 1382390_at
TitleHypothalamus during normal female sexual development
OrganismRattus norvegicus

juvenile early puberty later puberty GSM206008 GSM206009 GSM206010 GSM206011 GSM206012 GSM206013 GSM206014 GSM206015 GSM206016 85% 85% 87% 85% 87% 85% 87% 86% 88% sort by development stage Gene Expression Profile
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GSM206008hypothalamus of juvenile (JUV) rat_JUV1684.12285
GSM206009hypothalamus of juvenile (JUV) rat_JUV2607.80485
GSM206010hypothalamus of juvenile (JUV) rat_JUV3644.74387
GSM206011hypothalamus of early pubertal (EP) rat_EP7559.44185
GSM206012hypothalamus of early pubertal (EP) rat_EP8551.33487
GSM206013hypothalamus of early pubertal (EP) rat_EP10459.69785
GSM206014hypothalamus of late pubertal (LP) rat_LP12626.84187
GSM206015hypothalamus of late pubertal (LP) rat_LP14599.51286
GSM206016hypothalamus of late pubertal (LP) rat_LP20803.43988