ProfileGDS2556 / Dr.1870.1.A1_at
TitleEmbryonic retinal pigment epithelium
OrganismDanio rerio

retina retina with retinal pigment epithelium GSM113854 GSM113855 GSM113856 GSM113857 GSM113858 GSM113859 65% 70% 67% 66% 64% 62% sort by tissue Gene Expression Profile
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GSM113854Wild type retina, 52hpf, pool of ten tissues, biological replicate 1 WR_52hpf_rep1 (WR52_1)159.88765
GSM113855Wild type retina, 52hpf, pool of ten tissues, biological replicate 2 WR_52hpf_rep2 (WR52_2)213.23270
GSM113856Wild type retina, 52hpf, pool of ten tissues, biological replicate 3 WR_52hpf_rep3 (WR52_3)179.03167
GSM113857Wild type retina with retinal pigment epithelium attached, 52hpf, pool of 10 tiss, bio rep 1 1 WRR_52hpf_rep1 (WRR52_1)162.2666
GSM113858Wild type retina with retinal pigment epithelium attached, 52hpf, pool of 10 tiss, bio rep 2 WRR_52hpf_rep2 (WRR52_3)149.00664
GSM113859Wild type retina with retinal pigment epithelium attached, 52hpf, pool of 10 tiss, bio rep 3 WRR_52hpf_rep3 (WRR52_4)131.58362