ProfileGDS2514 / 1437067_at
TitleBreast cancer formation in WAP-SVT/t transgenic animals
OrganismMus musculus

WAP-SVT/t transgenic animals WAP-SVT/t breast  tumors normal NMRI animals breast cancer cell lines GSM143903 GSM143904 GSM143906 GSM143908 GSM143909 GSM143911 GSM143330 GSM143697 GSM143891 GSM143913 GSM143915 GSM143916 38% 48% 57% 52% 45% 48% 55% 58% 44% 31% 50% 35% sort by disease state Gene Expression Profile
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GSM143903WAP-SVT/t-LAK sample I: WAP-SVT/t mouse on the first day of lactation74.338
GSM143904WAP-SVT/t-LAK sample II: WAP-SVT/t mouse on the first day of lactation140.548
GSM143906WAP-SVT/t-LAK sample III: WAP-SVT/t mouse on the first day of lactation177.557
GSM143908583 tumor 1: WAP-SVT/t breast cancer138.652
GSM143909585pos1 tumor 2: WAP-SVT/t breast cancer128.345
GSM143911597pos7 tumor 3: WAP-SVT/t breast cancer127.348
GSM143330NOR LAK sample III: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation152.855
GSM143697NOR LAK sample I: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation161.958
GSM143891NOR LAK sample II: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation118.644
GSM143913ME-A cells: breast cancer cell line58.631
GSM143915Revertant ME-B cells: breast cancer cell line139.450
GSM143916Retransformed ME-B-T/t cells: breast cancer cell line86.635