ProfileGDS2255 / 205546_s_at
TitleTransmigrated neutrophils in the alveolar space of endotoxin-exposed lung
OrganismHomo sapiens

in vitro circulating alveolar space untreated endotoxin untreated endotoxin 75 84 87 88 90 75 84 87 88 90 21 32 37 48 49 53 59 60 70 80 84 88 89 90 9 16 21 32 37 48 49 53 59 60 70 75 84 87 88 89 90 9 16 21 32 37 48 49 53 59 70 75 80 84 87 88 89 90 GSM78539 GSM78545 GSM78550 GSM78554 GSM78562 GSM78540 GSM78546 GSM78551 GSM78555 GSM78563 GSM43005 GSM43008 GSM43011 GSM78523 GSM78526 GSM78529 GSM78532 GSM78534 GSM78537 GSM78543 GSM78548 GSM78557 GSM78560 GSM78565 GSM43000 GSM43002 GSM43004 GSM43007 GSM43010 GSM78522 GSM78525 GSM78528 GSM78531 GSM78533 GSM78536 GSM78541 GSM78547 GSM78552 GSM78556 GSM78559 GSM78564 GSM42999 GSM43001 GSM43003 GSM43006 GSM43009 GSM43012 GSM78524 GSM78527 GSM78530 GSM78535 GSM78538 GSM78542 GSM78544 GSM78549 GSM78553 GSM78558 GSM78561 86% 90% 87% 91% 88% 88% 89% 88% 88% 89% 92% 91% 93% 93% 93% 90% 93% 94% 90% 89% 92% 93% 90% 88% 92% 93% 91% 90% 94% 91% 91% 90% 91% 92% 90% 89% 92% 90% 92% 91% 90% 88% 86% 84% 87% 89% 87% 77% 86% 90% 90% 83% 86% 89% 84% 86% 87% 83% sort by cell type sort by agent sort by individual Gene Expression Profile
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GSM78539volunteer 75 in vitro Control Neutrophils158.4686
GSM78545volunteer 84 in vitro Control Neutrophils416.7990
GSM78550volunteer 87 in vitro Control Neutrophils219.3787
GSM78554volunteer 88 in vitro Control Neutrophils353.391
GSM78562volunteer 90 in vitro Control Neutrophils189.9988
GSM78540volunteer 75 in vitro Endotoxin Neutrophils184.4288
GSM78546volunteer 84 in vitro Endotoxin Neutrophils260.1789
GSM78551volunteer 87 in vitro Endotoxin Neutrophils215.4988
GSM78555volunteer 88 in vitro Endotoxin Neutrophils143.6488
GSM78563volunteer 90 in vitro Endotoxin Neutrophils248.8289
GSM43005volunteer 21 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils562.3692
GSM43008volunteer 32 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils367.5391
GSM43011volunteer 37 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils687.193
GSM78523volunteer 48 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils703.3793
GSM78526volunteer 49 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils612.7993
GSM78529volunteer 53 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils397.5390
GSM78532volunteer 59 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils406.0993
GSM78534volunteer 60 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils500.5694
GSM78537volunteer 70 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils253.2690
GSM78543volunteer 80 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils206.3989
GSM78548volunteer 84 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils552.9292
GSM78557volunteer 88 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils485.3293
GSM78560volunteer 89 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils267.3190
GSM78565volunteer 90 Pre-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils136.2688
GSM43000volunteer 09 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils557.0992
GSM43002volunteer 16 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils681.3493
GSM43004volunteer 21 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils337.9891
GSM43007volunteer 32 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils358.5490
GSM43010volunteer 37 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils642.6994
GSM78522volunteer 48 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils352.1291
GSM78525volunteer 49 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils464.7191
GSM78528volunteer 53 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils426.890
GSM78531volunteer 59 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils263.6991
GSM78533volunteer 60 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils422.2792
GSM78536volunteer 70 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils198.0390
GSM78541volunteer 75 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils201.6389
GSM78547volunteer 84 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils405.4292
GSM78552volunteer 87 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils339.3190
GSM78556volunteer 88 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils408.7892
GSM78559volunteer 89 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils223.5891
GSM78564volunteer 90 Post-Endotoxin Instillation Circulating Neutrophils327.3990
GSM42999volunteer 09 Airspace Neutrophils300.4688
GSM43001volunteer 16 Airspace Neutrophils220.986
GSM43003volunteer 21 Airspace Neutrophils129.2384
GSM43006volunteer 32 Airspace Neutrophils197.0687
GSM43009volunteer 37 Airspace Neutrophils306.5689
GSM43012volunteer 48 Airspace Neutrophils233.1687
GSM78524volunteer 49 Airspace Neutrophils36.7477
GSM78527volunteer 53 Airspace Neutrophils189.1686
GSM78530volunteer 59 Airspace Neutrophils326.5490
GSM78535volunteer 70 Airspace Neutrophils172.0990
GSM78538volunteer 75 Airspace Neutrophils95.3383
GSM78542volunteer 80 Airspace Neutrophils154.1886
GSM78544volunteer 84 Airspace Neutrophils285.2689
GSM78549volunteer 87 Airspace Neutrophils139.6684
GSM78553volunteer 88 Airspace Neutrophils156.9786
GSM78558volunteer 89 Airspace Neutrophils196.0387
GSM78561volunteer 90 Airspace Neutrophils116.2183