ProfileGDS2231 / 1374507_at
TitleAged marrow-derived stromal cells response to dexamethasone
OrganismRattus norvegicus

3 m 15 m untreated dexamethasone untreated dexamethasone male female GSM75444 GSM75445 GSM75447 GSM75446 GSM75448 47% 51% 69% 56% 68% sort by age sort by agent sort by gender Gene Expression Profile
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GSM75444MSCs from young untreated male rats50.347
GSM75445MSCs from young (3months) untreated female rats60.251
GSM75447MSCs from young (3months) treated female rats, treated with Dex117.669
GSM75446MSCs from old (15months) untreated female rats78.556
GSM75448MSCs from old (15months) treated female rats115.168