ProfileGDS2072 / 1640672_at
TitleNuclear receptor DHR96 ectopic expression effect on larvae
OrganismDrosophila melanogaster

control DHR96 overexpression GSM115017 GSM115020 GSM115021 GSM115022 GSM115023 GSM115024 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM115017Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) control 118310.298
GSM115020Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) control 218904.298
GSM115021Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) control 319055.298
GSM115022Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) gain 117763.598
GSM115023Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) gain 216945.398
GSM115024Ectopic expression of DHR96 (gain of function) gain 319762.698