ProfileGDS1786 / 179021_at
TitleMicroarray-assisted positional cloning of TOM-1 and UNC-43
OrganismCaenorhabditis elegans

wildtype KP3293 tom-1(nu468) mutant KP3365 unc-43(n1186) mutant GSM40308 GSM40309 GSM40310 GSM40311 GSM40306 GSM40307 GSM40312 GSM40313 GSM40314 32% 34% 33% 32% 35% 31% 34% 36% 32% sort by strain Gene Expression Profile
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GSM40308Wild type Sample 16.1986932
GSM40309Wild type Sample 26.2640134
GSM40310Wild type Sample 36.1985233
GSM40311Wild type Sample 46.1594332
GSM40306tom-1(nu468) Sample 16.3007735
GSM40307tom-1(nu468) Sample 26.1097831
GSM40312unc-43(n1186) Sample 16.2991634
GSM40313unc-43(n1186) Sample 26.3539436
GSM40314unc-43(n1186) Sample 36.1135132