ProfileGDS1739 / 151520_i_at
TitlePrimary mesodermal cells from various mutants perturbed for muscle development
OrganismDrosophila melanogaster

GFP negative GFP positive wild type loss of function gain of function wild type spi wg Dl lmd EGFR FGFR Arm Arm, Ras Pnt Ras Tkv Notch GSM88220 GSM88221 GSM88222 GSM88244 GSM88245 GSM88246 GSM88259 GSM88260 GSM88261 GSM88223 GSM88224 GSM88225 GSM88247 GSM88248 GSM88249 GSM88262 GSM88263 GSM88264 GSM88217 GSM88218 GSM88219 GSM88241 GSM88242 GSM88243 GSM88250 GSM88251 GSM88252 GSM88253 GSM88254 GSM88255 GSM88211 GSM88212 GSM88213 GSM88214 GSM88215 GSM88216 GSM88226 GSM88227 GSM88228 GSM88229 GSM88230 GSM88231 GSM88232 GSM88233 GSM88234 GSM88235 GSM88236 GSM88237 GSM88238 GSM88239 GSM88240 GSM88256 GSM88257 GSM88258 57% 63% 53% 51% 36% 34% 59% 69% 65% 49% 41% 49% 8% 41% 29% 46% 62% 61% 28% 9% 16% 50% 48% 5% 31% 49% 46% 52% 66% 65% 36% 43% 34% 2% 42% 45% 21% 18% 31% 33% 2% 44% 34% 33% 4% 2% 22% 41% 3% 51% 18% 57% 51% 55% sort by protocol sort by other sort by genotype/variation Gene Expression Profile
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GSM88220wild type GFP negative rep 1A5.04457
GSM88221wild type GFP negative rep 1B5.35963
GSM88222wild type GFP negative rep 1C4.77453
GSM88244wild type GFP negative rep 2A4.33151
GSM88245wild type GFP negative rep 2B3.20236
GSM88246wild type GFP negative rep 2C3.08734
GSM88259wild type GFP negative rep 3A4.21159
GSM88260wild type GFP negative rep 3B4.7969
GSM88261wild type GFP negative rep 3C4.56765
GSM88223wild type GFP positive rep 1A4.53749
GSM88224wild type GFP positive rep 1B3.94941
GSM88225wild type GFP positive rep 1C4.5449
GSM88247wild type GFP positive rep 2A0.928
GSM88248wild type GFP positive rep 2B3.56241
GSM88249wild type GFP positive rep 2C2.66929
GSM88262wild type GFP positive rep 3A3.48846
GSM88263wild type GFP positive rep 3B4.40462
GSM88264wild type GFP positive rep 3C4.3661
GSM88217spi loss of function rep 1A2.96928
GSM88218spi loss of function rep 1B1.5299
GSM88219spi loss of function rep 1C2.116
GSM88241wg loss of function rep 2A4.18250
GSM88242wg loss of function rep 2B4.01448
GSM88243wg loss of function rep 2C0.6795
GSM88250Dl loss of function rep 3A2.25431
GSM88251Dl loss of function rep 3B3.59449
GSM88252Dl loss of function rep 3C3.4346
GSM88253lmd loss of function rep 3A3.8352
GSM88254lmd loss of function rep 3B4.61966
GSM88255lmd loss of function rep 3C4.5765
GSM88211EGFR gain of function rep 1A3.55636
GSM88212EGFR gain of function rep 1B4.13643
GSM88213EGFR gain of function rep 1C3.38934
GSM88214FGFR gain of function rep 1A0.6062
GSM88215FGFR gain of function rep 1B4.03842
GSM88216FGFR gain of function rep 1C4.23845
GSM88226Arm gain of function rep 2A2.01721
GSM88227Arm gain of function rep 2B1.83618
GSM88228Arm gain of function rep 2C2.75531
GSM88229Arm+Ras gain of function rep 2A2.99733
GSM88230Arm+Ras gain of function rep 2B0.1142
GSM88231Arm+Ras gain of function rep 2C3.82144
GSM88232Pnt gain of function rep 2A3.00934
GSM88233Pnt gain of function rep 2B2.92333
GSM88234Pnt gain of function rep 2C0.4244
GSM88235Ras gain of function rep 2A0.0752
GSM88236Ras gain of function rep 2B2.2122
GSM88237Ras gain of function rep 2C3.61141
GSM88238Tkv gain of function rep 2A0.1893
GSM88239Tkv gain of function rep 2B4.30551
GSM88240Tkv gain of function rep 2C1.92418
GSM88256Notch gain of function rep 3A4.10657
GSM88257Notch gain of function rep 3B3.75151
GSM88258Notch gain of function rep 3C3.97255