ProfileGDS1689 / 252934_at
TitleHypocotyl response to phototropic and gravitropic stimulation
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana

unstimulated blue-light (shaded flank) blue-light (lit flank) gravity (bottom flank) gravity (top flank) GSM87748 GSM87749 GSM87750 GSM87736 GSM87737 GSM87738 GSM87739 GSM87740 GSM87741 GSM87742 GSM87743 GSM87744 GSM87745 GSM87746 GSM87747 68% 71% 74% 55% 53% 61% 79% 68% 65% 34% 64% 28% 61% 70% 52% sort by growth protocol Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM87748unstimulated control replicate 1542.468
GSM87749unstimulated control replicate 2598.871
GSM87750unstimulated control replicate 3646.474
GSM877362hr shaded replicate 1415.655
GSM877372hr shaded replicate 2377.653
GSM877382hr shaded replicate 3457.561
GSM877392hr lit replicate 1795.379
GSM877402hr lit replicate 2571.768
GSM877412hr lit replicate 353465
GSM877422hr bottom replicate118834
GSM877432hr bottom replicate 2509.764
GSM877442hr bottom replicate 3115.328
GSM877452hr top replicate 1474.561
GSM877462hr top replicate 2571.270
GSM877472hr top replicate 3374.352