ProfileGDS1068 / 142192_at
TitleWing imaginal disc proneural cluster cells of the peripheral nervous system
OrganismDrosophila melanogaster

GFP-negative control GFP-positive proneural cluster GSM44456 GSM44457 GSM44458 GSM44459 GSM44460 GSM44461 1% 1% 0% 0% 1% 1% sort by cell type Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM44456M4-GFP negative sorted cells sample #12.11
GSM44457M4-GFP negative sorted cells sample #22.11
GSM44458M4-GFP negative sorted cells sample #31.90
GSM44459M4-GFP positive sorted cells sample #11.70
GSM44460M4-GFP positive sorted cells sample #241
GSM44461M4-GFP positive sorted cells sample #33.11