Strain: 129 SV Gender: Male Karyotype: normal Defining markers: n/a
Biomaterial provider
Contact details for sample vendor: n/a Vendor catalogue number: n/a
Treatment protocol
Assays to confirm viability: RT-PCR analysis shows expression of osteocalcin (mature osteoblast marker) peaks at day 30. Cbfa1, a transcription factor implicated in osteoblast differentiation shows expression from days 16-25. Osteocalcin, osteopontin, osteonectin, and bone sia
Growth protocol
Growth medium: DMEM Media supplements: Vitamin D3 5 x 10e3 M, B-glycerophosphate, Ascorbic Acid Culture conditions: 37 C
This sample was analyzed as part of the Stem Cell Genomics Project ( The biological material was submitted to the Ontario Genomics Innovation Centre ( by Dr. Derrick Rancourt ([email protected]; Room 2221 Health Sciences Centre; 3330 Hospital Drive NW) for analysis. Stembase Experiment ID: E202 Stembase Experiment ID link: SCGP Sample ID: S188 SCGP Sample ID link: Short description: D3 murine embryonic stem cells were allowed to undergo directed differentiation toward the osteoblast lineage by the addition of vitamin D3, B-glycerophosphate, and absorbic acid. Assessment of the gene expression patterns of differentiated cells at day 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 25, and 30 and comparison to profiles of mES cells that have undergone non-directed differentiation will allow the elucidation of genes that are important to the early commitment of these cells to the osteoblast lineage. Analysis requested: For SCGP, compare gene expression in samples ctrl vs. VD3 treated in Osteo_1 -- Osteo_4 Cell line clone ID: n/a Estimated purity: pure clone RNA concentration: 100 ng/ul Num cells for RNA prep: 3 X 10^6 Sample volume: 12ul - 6ul for BA and 6 ul for exp
Data processing
Calculated using the MAS5 algorithm where sc=1500, tau=0.015, alpha1=0.04, and alpla2=0.06